
It like gets events and stuff

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UCL Assistant - App

App source code for UCL Assistant.

Getting up and running

You'll need the Expo XDE client or the Expo command line client. Get them from here. You'll also need Yarn or NPM installed.

Copy app.example.json to app.json and add your own Google Maps API key and either modify or delete the Sentry sourcemap hook.

The Google Maps API key is optional but without it you won't be able to use Maps on Android. You'll want to create an API key on the Google APIs console and then give the key access to the Google Maps Android API.

Then you can start the app with exp start or by loading it in XDE.

Which API server?

production mode: uses ucl-assistant.uclapi.com

development mode: uses ucl-assistant.herokuapp.com

Saving user data

The app uses redux-persist to save the app state to the device storage. In the future, for extra security, the user reducer will be saved using the Expo.SecureStore API.