
ArduinoML DSL for composing and playing music tracks and enjoying light shows on Arduino boards

Primary LanguageArduino


ArduinoML DSL for composing and playing music tracks and enjoying light shows on Arduino boards


  • Connect the Arduino UNO and the Rainbowduino (LCD) to your computer and note their ports
  • Upload the LCD program onto the Rainbowduino (file: serial_link/MATRIX_code.ino)
  • Generate a program with mps
  • Upload the program onto the Arduino
  • Set the ports of the Arduino & Rainbowduino in the Python program (file: serial_link/serial_bridge.py)
  • Start the python program

You're all set to enjoy your own Great Light Show!

Note: remember to quit the Python repeater before uploading the program to the Arduino board, otherwise it may cause problems.