JIOP is an open-source Java intelligent optimization framework. It's main purpose is to deliver a easy to use framework for creating and using intelligent optimization algorithms.
Currently, JIOP already contains implementations of:
* Differential Evolution
* Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multi Swarm Optimization
* Continuous Genetic Algorithm
* Artificial Bee Colony
* Bacterial Foraging Optimization
* Amoeba Optimization (Nelder-Mead)
* Simulated Annealing
* Supports generics
* Supports "seed" insertion. (Populate the solution pool with one or more known solutions)
* Plotting is handled by the framework.
* Easy comparison of different algorithms
* .CSV export of iteration data (number of iteration, time used and cost)
* Self optimization of variables (If the algorithm implements the Optimizable interface)
* Contains multi-threaded version of DE, PSO and MSO