
Maze creator and solver

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Create mazes of any size and solve them! A* search algorithm is used to solve the mazes.

Start from either of the two openings along the top & bottom walls or the left & right walls and make your way across the maze to the other endpoint to solve.



To generate a maze:

  • Navigate to the creator directory
  • Compile main.cpp (i.e. g++ main.cpp)
  • Run the program (i.e. ./a.out)
  • Add arguments to the command line to skip the UI (i.e. ./a.out 47 15 E)


Easy Maze Hard Maze
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To solve a maze:

  • Navigate to the solver directory
  • Compile main.cpp (i.e. g++ main.cpp)
  • Run the program (i.e. `./a.out)
  • Add the file path as the argument to skip the UI (i.e. ./a.out maze.txt)


Easy Maze Solved Hard Maze Solved
img img

UI for Linux

A simple UI for creating and solving a maze is provided for Linux users in the bash script mazemaster.sh. Convert the file to an executable by running chmode u+x mazemaster.sh in the original directory. Run the program by entering ./mazemaster.sh in the original directory.


  • Maze creator with user's choice of dimensions and difficulty setting.
    • Maze dimensions are recommended to be within the dimensions of the console for viewing purposes.
    • Easy difficulty provides multiple solutions to the maze.
    • Hard difficulty provides one unique solution to the maze.
  • Maze solver uses A* search to find a solution to a maze (if a solution is possible) and prints the result.