Custom Solution

This is a fork of Ola's Maintenance Solution. Main differences are in the DatabaseIntegrityCheck script and added the CheckTableObjects table


  • Runs CheckAlloc, then CheckCatalog, then CheckTable
    • This is a different order than original Ola, which was CheckAlloc, CheckTable, CheckCatalog
  • For CHECKTABLE command, it will always take a manual database snapshot, as that allows for faster runs, especially on larger databases.
  • The @Resumable parameter will store info in the CheckTableObjects table and goes through the objects in a rolling fashion, thus allowing for the checking of VLDBs without the need for a large window to run CHECKDB

Added Parameters:

  • @Resumable - valid values are 'Y' or 'N'
    • defaults to 'N'
    • Must be used in conjunction with @TimeLimit
    • Can only be used if the CheckTable command is specified
    • Will only run CHECKTABLE checks once per day, as it makes sure that "dbo.CheckTableObjects.LastCheckDate <> CAST(@StartTime as date)"
      • This is to prevent a loop of it just going through the same tables over and over during the time window
      • To reset either Truncate the CheckTableObjects table, or update LastCheckDate to an older date
        • UPDATE dbo.CheckTableObjects SET LastCheckDate = DATEADD(DAY, -1, LastCheckDate)
  • @AllowSnapshots - valid values are 'Y' or 'N'
    • Defaults to 'Y'
    • Allows the script to take it's own snapshot for the CHECKTABLE command to allow for faster operation. Otherwise, the CHECKTABLE commad will create an internal snapshot for each command that it runs, which creates much more overhead, especially on larger databases
    • Also allows for checking non-readable secondaries when the database is in an availability group.
    • NOTE: For versions of SQL older than 2019, if the non-readable secondary contains Memory Optimized tables, it cannot run CHECKTABLE commands


EXECUTE [dbo].[DatabaseIntegrityCheck] @Databases = 'ALL_DATABASES', @CheckCommands = 'CHECKALLOC,CHECKCATALOG,CHECKTABLE', @TimeLimit = 18000, @LogToTable = 'Y', @Execute = 'Y', @Resumable = 'Y'

SQL Server Maintenance Solution

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Getting Started

Download MaintenanceSolution.sql. This script creates all the objects and jobs that you need.

You can also download the objects as separate scripts:

Note that you always need CommandExecute; DatabaseBackup, DatabaseIntegrityCheck, and IndexOptimize are using it. You need CommandLog if you are going to use the option to log commands to a table.

Supported versions: SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
