
My WordPress theme boilerplate.

Primary LanguagePHP

Khyentse Vision

By Bain Design

Version: 1.3.1

Table of contents


This project requires the following to run:


This project makes use of the following conventions


The following steps should be taken to install the project environment locally.

  • Open project directory in terminal and run npm install to install all grunt plugins. See package.json for details.
  • Install git flow locally to the project, using the following branch names:
    • master
    • develop
    • hotfix
    • release

You are now ready to work on the project.


When you want to make a change to the project code,

  • Start a new feature or hotfix branch (See Git Flow)

  • In the project root folder, run the grunt command to

    • open the local version of the site at http://localhost:3001/
    • start the watch task, which will
      • monitor the project files for changes, refreshing the local site as required
      • compile changes to your Sass files into CSS
  • Make your changes to the code

  • When you are ready to create a numbered release,

    • Start a new release branch (See Git Flow & Semantic Versioning)
    • Run grunt bump:{major|minor|patch}to increment the version number throughout the project (See Semantic Versioning)
    • Run grunt build to
      • output production-ready build files to /release.

See Gruntfile.js for more details.