
Add some info at the bottom of your sidebar. Link to your personal website, a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service

MIT LicenseMIT


Github2npm npm (scoped) GitHub npm bundle size (scoped)

This plugin is designed to create a footer area at the base of your sidebar (or page) where you can list a copyright year (range), your name or company with a URL, and links to a privacy policy, terms of service, and a cookies policy.


Update index.html file

Assuming you have a working docsify framework set up, it is easy to use the plugin.

  1. Add the following script tag to your index.html via either CDN or downloading it and using it locally:

    <!-- unpkg.com -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@markbattistella/docsify-sidebarfooter@latest"></script>
    <!-- jsDelivr -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@markbattistella/docsify-sidebarfooter@latest"></script>
    <!-- locally -->
    <script src="docsify-sidebarfooter.min.js"></script>
  2. In docsify setup configure the plugin:

    window.$docsify = {
      autoFooter: {
        name:       String,          // company display name (required)
        copyYear:   Int,             // start copyright year (required)
        url:        String,          // company url (optional)
        policy:     Bool | String,   // show Privacy Policy (optional)
        terms:      Bool | String,   // show Terms of Service (optional)
        cookies:    Bool | String,   // show Cookies Policy (optional)
        onBody:     Bool             // if true it is on the main doc

npm install

Or if you're using npm to manage your dependencies:

npm i @markbattistella/docsify-sidebarfooter

Additional files

If you are using the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, or Cookie links, then add the files to the root (next to index.html). However, if you inputted strings make sure they are in the location of that path with the correct filename.

| docs/                      | docs/
|-- index.html               |-- site/
|-- _privacy.md              |---- privacy.md
|-- _terms.md                |---- terms.md
|-- _cookies.md              |---- cookies.md


There are some options available for the docsify-sidebarfooter:

setting required type options
name Y String your name or company
copyYear Y String first year of copyright
url N String url you want the name to link to
policy N Bool or String path to policy
terms N Bool or String path to terms
cookies N Bool or String path to cookies
onBody N Bool display in the body not sidebar


At the bottom of your _sidebar.md file add the following code:

<footer id="mb-footer"></footer>


  1. Clone the repo:
    git clone https://github.com/markbattistella/docsify-sidebarFooter.git
  2. Create your feature branch:
    git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch:
    git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit the pull request