Reader Server

Simple RSS server to support the Free Reader RSS web client.

You will need to set up a connection to your database. In the src/dao folder copy dbconfig.json.template to dbconfig.json. Change the values for your database. Currently only Postgres is supported. The dbconfig.json is in the ignore list so it can't be committed. The first run of app.js will create all the tables in the database.

When the server is running it will be running under port 3000 and will answer requests under the /readerws/ path. The front end does not look for port 3000 so you need to set up a proxy configuration in your web server. For Apache here is what to use:

    ProxyPass "/readerws/" "http://localhost:3000/readerws/"
    ProxyPassReverse "/readerws/" "http://localhost:3000/readerws/"

You can build a .deb package by cloning the repository a then run

If you install with the deb package 2 systemd services will be installed and started.

  • reader-server.service - is the main rest server to feed data to the front end
  • reader-updater.service - runs 1 update per hour to get the latest feeds for all subscriptions

The server is written in Typescript on Node JS. Installing the DEB package will install the required Node libraries.