
This repo shows an example of using blogdown (in RStudio) to save a website on github and serve up with netlify to here Following workflow from here

Open workflow questions:

  • How do you share across a team that might want to write blogposts?
  • If different team members use different credentials for accessing data (eg from snowflake) that is part of their blog post, how hard is that to ensure it works? If it knits locally, is that enough?
  • How do you use a custom domain

Other high-level questions

  • What is the purpose of (say) a DS@DNZ website?
    • Outlet for pre-pub work?
    • Additional outlet for published work? "Advertising" a repository of skills and data using best practice?
    • Attracting talented people?
    • An interactive version of tech series for highly engaged farmers?
    • Promoting open-science?
  • What is the right pitch for mix of work?
  • How do we settle between fully agile (post anything interesting) and peer-reviewed publication?