
A very simple static blog based on Bootstrap and AJAX using HTML5 pushState with an optional Git based backend for the browser rendered Markdown posts. No database or server setup required so it will work with any webserver and is orientated towards being deployed on a small to tiny VPS or embedded device.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

27 January 2014 on GitHub


A very simple static blog system based on Bootstrap and AJAX using an optional Git (or GitHub) backend to manage a website.

The primary goal of this project is to provide...

  • firstly, a basic Bootstrap mobile-first interface
  • an AJAX/pushState driven single page application
  • short numeric bookmarkable URLs for posts by default
  • modern HTML5/CSS3 attributes (no IE6/7/8/9 support)
  • will run on as little as a 64Mb VPS or LXC container
  • no PHP or server side scripting or database required


To install just clone this repo or download and extract the zipfile and point your web server to it's directory, zero setup.

# on webserver
cd /var/www
git clone https://github.com/markc/bojax bojax.net

You will also want to update the /3 Contact form and add your email address in the Javascript section at the bottom and also remove the /4 Comments link or go to disqus.com and set up your own comments thread.

<!-- <li><a href="/4"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> Comments</a></li> -->

A simple configuration snippet for nginx could be something like this, using bojax.net as an example domainname...

server {
  port              80; # or 8080 for testing
  server_name       bojax.net; # or localhost for testing
  root              /var/www/bojax.net;
  location          / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; }

The location try_files line forces all the non-existent urls back to index.html so they can be resolved by the lib/js/bojax.js jQuery plugin and provide bookmarking of these virtual URLs. The reason for the short numeric URLs is so they are indeed short and easy to paste into emails or other blogs posts instead of using some 3rd party short-URL service.

Auto Update Remote Site

If using Github then it's post-receive-hooks feature can be used to auto update a website, but then some kind of PHP or server side scripting is required, so to keep it ultra simple, rsync called from a local Git repo as a .git/hooks/post-commit hook can be used instead...

rsync -av ./ bojax.net:var/www/bojax.net --del --exclude='.git'
ssh -t -t bojax.net 'service nginx restart'
echo "Remember to 'git push' if using a remote git repo"

Make sure you chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit and the ./ rsync source path will need to be a full path to your repo if you execute a git commit/push from outside of your git repo. bojax.net: assumes your SSH keys are setup for the remote server and your ~/.ssh/config is configured appropriately (again, change bojax.net to your domainname)...

Host bojax.net
  User admin
  Port 2222
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bojax.net.key

How To Create A New Post

A new post is created by adding a new Markdown file to lib/md/ with a very simple format. The very first line has to be a ###### (H6) tag with a friendly date and category which is followed by a blank line and # (H1) heading, for example...

###### 1 January 2014 on Personal Blog

# [Double Rainbow]

This is followed, after another blank line, by the content of the post in Markdown format. Name the file digit.md where digit is the next higher number in the lib/md/ folder and link to it as slash + digit (ie; /5).

For now the initial frontpage index has to be created by hand so copy the top 2 ###### and # headings and the first paragraph and paste them into the top of the lib/md/1.md file (the main index page) followed by a link to the actual lib/md/*.md posting. Use a --- (HR) line separator between the frontpage summaries. Here is a full frontpage summary example...

###### 1 January 2014 on Personal Blog

# [Double Rainbow]

(posting summary)

[Double Rainbow]: /5


So clicking on the "Double Rainbow" heading will load in the contents of the lib/md/5.md posting. Then, when viewing the actual posting, clicking on the site title again will go back to the lib/md/1.md frontpage index summary which is particularly handy on a mobile touch device.

Something like this shell snippet below can work out the filename of the next posting when executed from the root of the repo...

echo "lib/md/$(($(/bin/ls -1v lib/md | tail -n 1 | cut -d. -f 1)+1)).md"

Obviously feel free to remove or edit the current examples in lib/md as they are there simply to provide some blog-like example context, however, the special lib/md/1.md frontpage must remain as the main index.

How To Handle Images

Image handling is a bit of a hack but the first attempt seems to mostly work by abusing the marked script and its GFM extension for tables. Using the example from the /5 post, the first row (with halfsize) defines the image itself wrapped inside a link, the 2nd row says to center this table column and the 3rd row is a comment in italics. The [2] becomes the src of the image and [1] becomes a direct link to the image so it can be viewed in it's original form and downloaded via the RMB browser menu.

# [Double Rainbow]

| _Double Rainbow from Moana Park, QLD, AU_ |

(posting content)

[Double Rainbow]: /1
[1]: http://markconstable.com/lib/img/20131214_Double_Rainbow_halfsize.jpg
[2]: http://markconstable.com/lib/img/20131214_Double_Rainbow.jpg

The above is for the actual posting page, for the summary in the index page we want a thumbnail that also links to the actual post. For this we use the below construct where the image and it's link are above the main heading and the double_rainbow reference links to the actual image, which could be offsite so they are still visible, for instance, in a Github repo.

###### 1 January 2014 on Personal Blog


# [Double Rainbow]

(posting content)

[Double Rainbow]: /5
[double_rainbow]: http://markconstable.com/lib/img/20131214_Double_Rainbow_thumbnail.jpg
[5]: /5

Without a fancy dynamic backend this is a bit of a bother and definitely a kludge but, it works, and saves us from requiring backend server side scripts (like PHP) to do the heavy lifting.

You have to manually create thumbnail and halfsize images if you care about the download size on the front and posting pages. Use a max-width of 192px for thumbnails and max-width of 640px or max-height of 360px (which ever is less) for the halfsize images to be consistant. An example listing of the images from the /5 posting is...

-rw-r--r-- 1 admin daemon 2147488 Dec 14 03:10 20131214_Double_Rainbow.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin daemon   20191 Feb  7 13:47 20131214_Double_Rainbow_halfsize.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin daemon    8957 Feb  7 13:47 20131214_Double_Rainbow_thumbnail.jpg

Some titles and links need to be changed in the bojax.html page. The main frontpage index links to lib/md/1.md from the navbar-brand project title and must remain as such. About links to lib/md/2.md which in turn symlinks to this README.md. Contact links to lib/md/3.md and is generic enough to remain as is. Comments links to lib/md/4.md and needs to be altered to your disqus account if you chose to use such a "Comments" page. The Bootstrap and jQuery CDN links will always be updated to the latest stable releases. You could always try an older jQuery if you need IE support.

The important core part of this project is lib/js/bojax.js which provides the AJAX and HTML5 pushState functionality at (currently) about 100 lines of code. It's based on jquery-boilerplate with a few clues borrowed from jquery.ajaxable, thanks @matheusgomesweb. Ideas and patches to improve this jQuery plugin are most welcome.

The main lib/css/bojax.css stylesheet is a mixture of some markup style from the Ghost project plus a little Github styling on top of a Bootstrap foundation. Adjust to your tastes.

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