docker-compose up
Verify nginx:
open http://$(docker port hssdkdemo_nginx_1 80)/hs_stream_demo.html
Get the ngrok URL:
curl -Ls $(docker port hssdkdemo_ngrok_1 4040)/api/tunnels/command_line | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["public_url"]'
Verify ngrok:
open $(curl -Ls $(docker port hssdkdemo_ngrok_1 4040)/api/tunnels/command_line | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["public_url"]')/hs_stream_demo.html
View the traffic:
open http://$(docker port hssdkdemo_ngrok_1 4040)
Edit assets/js/vars.js and set the publicHostname to the ngork url
Go to Hootsuite Developer portal
Create a New App, set the name and description and press Create.
Click on the new App link. Click the Edit button.
Set the Authentication Type to Single Sign On and set the shared secret to: hsdemosharedsecret and press Save.
Click New App Component. Select App Component Type of Stream, set the App Component Title and press Add.
For the new stream App Component click on the Edit button and set
IFrame URL: {{ngrok url}}/hs_stream_demo.html Icon URL: {{ngrok url}}/asset/icon.png
Press the Save button.
Add a New App Component with Type Plugin
IFrame URL: {{ngrok url}}/hs_plugin_demo.html Icon URL: {{ngrok url}}/asset/icon.png
Add a New App Component with Type Content Source
IFrame URL: {{ngrok url}}/content_source_demo.html
Icon URL: {{ngrok url}}/asset/icon.png
Open Hootsuite
Click on the App Directory in the left hand nav. Under Developers -> My Apps install your new App, adding to a new stream.