
Defunct. Check specific page level tags from a Cucumber report to generate in-page, live documentation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Checks specific page level tags from a Cucumber report to generate in-page, live documentation. Still a proof of concept, but seems to handle a fair bit of the stuff cucumber throws at it.


We were dealing with large specification documents that, though intentioned well, and used to inform the client, are out of date and relatively useless as soon as they are created. We had amendments that were very difficult to keep track of, and decisions and information got lost in the documentation process.

We like Cucumber tests, though. They're nicely readable, and think we can get the business units writing (even a semblance, as they aren't the ones converting them to usable) cukes.

We also run CI, in our case Jenkins, so generating cuke reports is easy. LiveDoc parses the json formatted report data, checking against certain tags to display it on a page.


Let's say, hypothetically, you're building a new search feature on your site. This feature will have a search results page, a list of stacked results, one after the other.

In your cucumber tests, initially write a list of features as your acceptance criteria. It's cool if they're all pending. In our case, we've tagged them @search_results:

Feature: Search Results

Scenario: I can see the search results
  Given I am on the search results page
  Then I should see some results

Now, when you run your cucumber tests, use

bundle exec cucumber --format json -o public/cuke.json

Change the public/cuke.json to something that suits you. We're building a rails app, and public is the start of a root public folder, so it's easy to get to the json file from a js call by putting it in there.

Then, in your search results page, just before the footer, add:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/livedoc_styles.css">
<script src="/livedoc.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  $(document).ready(function () {
    LiveDoc.init("@search_results", "/cuke.json");

It'll asynchronously grab the json file, parse it for features matching the appropriate tags, and displays them on the page.