
leJOS Java projects for the Lego Mindstorms EV3

Primary LanguageJava


leJOS Java projects for the Lego Mindstorms EV3

This is where I store my LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programming projects in leJOS.

What's here?

leJOS WebCam fun

  • OpenCVTesting - code to grab images from a webcam, detect faces in the images and then stream that back to a web connection
  • SurveillanceCam - Surveillance Camera demo code that uses the leJOS webcam support to capture a frame and overlay the current date/time and battery voltage level, and then save to Dropbox
  • CameraTest - simple example of capturing video from a webcam in leJOS and drawing it on the LCD screen on the EV3
  • DisplayStreamingVideo - code from the leJOS tutorials to display a streaming video stream from the webcam on the EV3 in a Java application window
  • StreamVideo - send video frames as fast as possible from the webcam to a remote host. Fast means about 3 fps.
  • Wand3r3r - code for an autonomous wandering differential drive robot that captures images using a webcam

Older Projects

  • SpaceInvaders - my Space Invaders projects where you play the game using an EV3