
HW for SEP Project

Primary LanguageQML

CyberSnake 2077



  • Cyberpunk2077 color style (steal its thunder ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ )
    • Use circles to present a snake
    • Use glow effect almost everyshere to create an impression of space
    • The glow effect around the game board indicates the color of the winner (cool) (i.e. The glow will be yellow if the yellow snake has the highest score)
  • Fully animated
    • Almost all objects has a fade in or fade out animation
    • When moving the food to a wrong position, the food will spring back to its original position
    • When the snake moves, the ground will shine.
  • Up to 2 players + 2 AI snakes
  • 3 different food
    • Plus Life
    • Accelerate
    • Color Allergy: only the snake with the right color can eat it, otherwise the snake will die
  • Implement user input stack to give players a fluent control
  • Simple board edit mode: just drag and drop the food. If you want to remove the food or brick, just drop it somewhere outside the board.

Player guide

Use W A S D to control snake0(blue snake), Use I J K L to control snake1(orange snake).

Press corresponding buttons to edit the board, add a player or ai snake, add food ...

Overview of code

The core of the game is to maintain a two dimension array board which records all the objects on the game board. For example, if there is food on row 2 col 3, board[2][3] is a reference to that food object. If a snake spread across row 2~6 col 7, board[2~6][7] all refer to this snake object. When the snake moves or any food is eaten, the board is updated.

How do the snakes move?

The snake is composed of multiple circle SnakeBody. Each snake object has its own repeated moveTimer. Each time the moveTimer is triggered, the snake destroys the tail SnakeBody and add a SnakeBody to its head according to direction. The moving speed can be easily modified by changing the interval of moveTimer.

How is the key board input handled?

Keyboard input is passed to GameBoard. GameBoard will identify which snake should take this input and push the input into the snake's input stack.

How are different kinds of food implemented?

All food (including brick) inherit from class MapItem. MapItem implements the dragging behavior and each food(brick) implements its own visual appearance.

How is the AI Snake implemented?

The mechanism of the AI Snake is simple. Every time the snake needs to move. It computes the score of every possible next move (3, actually) and choose the move with the highest score.

The score of next move is computed as below

  • return -1 if next move kills the snake (smash to wall, brick or bite itself)
  • +3 if nothing happened
  • +5 if next move brings food closer
  • +8 if next move is food
  • +10 if next move can kill another snake

How is the save game implemented?

The game is saved in json. The data need to be saved is stored in an object and parsed into Json. Json is written or read into/ from the file through a c++ backend SaveGame.

Component implementation details


main.qml builds the basic layout made up of 3 columns.


GameBoard is one of the core parts of the game. It generates the board and maintains the game status. It contains the a two dimension array board (see overview) and pass this array to all of its children (all the objects on the board, eg. snake, food ...). Children are responsible for maintaining this array.

You can add property players or aiSnakes to create new player or AI snake. Change property running will start or pause the game. Change property editMode will enter or exit edit mode.

You can call initRandomly() or initFromFile to initiate the board. Calling gerateItem(component) or randomlyGenerateItem(component) will generate an item indicated by component on the map.

Snake will call updateWinner() to change GameBoard Glow indicating the winner


Snake is another core part of the game. It describes the behavior of a snake (see overview).

When a Snake object is created, it will not immediately show on the board. Instead, you need to call randomlyBirth() or birthFromFile() to put the snake somewhere on the board.

When the snake is killed, it will call rebirth(), which checks the remaining life and destroy itself when there is no remaining life.


Each snake has its own score board reference. A ScoreBoard is not activated until activated=true. Snake change scores and lifes to update the scoreBoard.


MapItem is a base calls for all the objects on the board(except snake). It use MouseArea to enable drag in edit mode. When an object is dragged outside the board, it will be deleted. If an object is dragged on top of some other MapItem, it will bounce back to its original place with an animation.

Accelerate, PlusLife, Food, ColorAllergy, Brick

These are all objects inherited from MapItem.