
Postgis support in heroku-ci

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku CI buildpack: Postgis

  • Postgis 2.5.2 for postgresql 11.5.*
  • Proj 4.9.2
  • Geos 3.7.2
  • without raster support!

How does it work?

  • One needs to build docker image using Dockerfile inside support dir
  • The image will contain two tar.gz files: postgis and postgis-dependencies
  • postgis: contains precomplied postgis lib, ready to be installed inside /app/.indyno/vendor/postgresql/ dir
  • postgis-dependencies: contains precomplied and installed libs: proj and geos.
  • One needs to get files from docker container and move it to S3 bucket (docs.riskmethods.net)
  • During compliation stage this buildpack will fetch those 2 files from S3 bucket and install it inside the dyno.


Just add it to app.json definition, like:

 "environments": {
    "test": {
      "buildpacks": [
        { "url":  "https://github.com/riskmethods/heroku-buildpack-ci-postgis" },
        { "url": "heroku/nodejs"},
        { "url": "heroku/ruby" }
      "env": {  "POSTGRESQL_VERSION": "11.5" },
      "addons": ["heroku-postgresql:in-dyno"]

Note: this buildpack should be added before ruby buildpack

Compiling libs and putting them in S3

cd support
docker build . -t heroku-postgis
docker run -it  heroku-postgis bash

Save container ID, open another terminal window and run:

docker cp {id-of-container}:/postgis-dependencies.tar.gz .
docker cp {id-of-container}:/postgis.tar.gz .

Now you have files inside your machine, go to S3 UI and put them inside docs.riskmethods.net bucket. Don't forget to allow read-all access.