
Primary LanguagePython

Simple Sudoku Solver

A toy project for my application to the Recurse Center.

This is a plain Python sudoku solver that can solve any sudoku puzzle through a combination of constraint satisfaction and brute force search.


To see how the program works, simply type:

python sudoku_solver.py

It will print out an example puzzle and a solution to that puzzle.

The program reads in a puzzle like this:

__2 | ___ | __5
7_8 | 6_9 | _2_
534 | 782 | ___
___ | 5__ | 4__
19_ | 2_4 | _83
__5 | __8 | ___
___ | 321 | 658
_5_ | 9_6 | 7_2
6__ | ___ | 9__

in the following format:


That is - Type all 81 characters of the puzzle from left to right, top to bottom with dots as empty squares. We can call this format a "puzzle string".

It's recommend you put the puzzle string in a .txt file, but you can also feed this string into to the solve() function directly. The solve function is the only function you need to use.

Implementation Details

This program represents the sudoku puzzle internally as a dictionary where the keys are one of 81 boxes (labeled A1, A1, ... I9) and the values are a string (like "1359") of all the possible numbers that could be in that box. A box is considered solved if there is only one possible number for that box.

Each box is part of multiple "peer groups". A "peer group" consists of 9 boxes that must contain the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. If two boxes are in the same "peer group" we can call them "peers", thus "A1" and "A8" are peers because they both in the first row.

This solver works by first trying three types of constraint satisfaction on the Sudoku puzzle, and then if the puzzle is still not solved, it finds the box with the fewest possibilities and then does a brute force search on those possibilities. (This could also be described as tree traversal.)

The three constraint satisfaction heuristics we use are:

elimination - If a box is solved, eliminate it's value from all it's peer's possibilities. For example, if C6 is 4, then eliminate 4 as a possibility for all the boxes in the C row or 6th column or the central box of the Sudoku puzzle.

only_choice - If is the only box in a peer group to contain a specific number then it must be that number. For example if E3 has possibilities 278, but it is the only box in the E row to contain a 2, then E3 must contain 2.

naked_twins - Our most complicated constraint satisfaction heuristic. If there are 3 boxes unsolved in a peer group and 2 of the 3 boxes in a group only have two possibilities, the possibility in the third box that is not in the other two must be the value of the third box. For example suppose grid looks like {"A1": "157", "A2": "57", "A3": "57", ...}. Then A1 contain value 1 because A2 and A3 must contain 5 and 7.

Note that, we could, of course, solve puzzle using the brute force search, but it would be much less efficient than applying the constraint satisfaction heuristics. In the test file, we test the solver with the constraint satisfaction heuristics as well as without.

Note this code was original written as part of the Udacity Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree and cleaned up to apply to the Recurse Center. Some of the stubs may look similar to the Udacity repo.