
XML to MAP converter written Golang

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XML to MAP converter written Golang

Sometimes there is a need for the representation of previously unknown structures. Such a universal representation is usually a string in the form of JSON, XML, or the structure of data map. similar to the map[string]interface{} or map[interface{}]interface{}.

This is a converter from the old XML format to map[string]interface{} Golang

For example, the map[string]interface{} can be used as a universal type in template generation. Golang "text/template" and etc.

Getting started

1. install

go get -u github.com/sbabiv/xml2map

Or, using dep:

dep ensure -add github.com/sbabiv/xml2map

2. use it

func main() {
	data := `<container uid="FA6666D9-EC9F-4DA3-9C3D-4B2460A4E1F6" lifetime="2019-10-10T18:00:11">
					<dog color="gray">hello</dog>

	decoder := xml2map.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data))
	result, err := decoder.Decode()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", result)
	v := result["container"].
	fmt.Printf("n[1]: %v\n", v)

if you want to use your custom prefixes use the

NewDecoderWithPrefix(reader io.Reader, attrPrefix, textPrefix string) *Decoder

Go Playground


map[container:map[@uid:FA6666D9-EC9F-4DA3-9C3D-4B2460A4E1F6 @lifetime:2019-10-10T18:00:11 cats:map[cat:[map[id:CDA035B6-D453-4A17-B090-84295AE2DEC5 name:moritz age:7 items:map[n:[1293 1255 1257]]] map[id:1634C644-975F-4302-8336-1EF1366EC6A4 name:oliver age:12]] dog:map[@color:gray #text:hello]] color:white city:NY]]

result: 1255


$ go test -bench=. -benchmem
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/sbabiv/xml2map
BenchmarkDecoder-8         50000             29773 ns/op           15032 B/op        261 allocs/op
ok      github.com/sbabiv/xml2map       1.805s




Babiv Sergey