
Random notes related to generating lightweight quiz questions using Rmarkdown


Random notes related to generating lightweight quiz questions using Rmarkdown

These are some random thoughts related to the generation of assessments / quizzes using r-markdown. In particular I am looking for solutions which can be hosted as a static site (i.e. solutions that don't require shiny etc).

Prompted to open this after seeing https://twitter.com/MattCrump_/status/1022457536740577287. Which has since progressed to a working example

rmarkdown can be used to produce slidy presentations which can be used to generate quizzes as shown in this example

Adding the capability to include questions for a xaringan presentation might also be a possibility. These are built on top of https://remarkjs.com and it seems adding custom interactivity to the slides is not too difficult

I'm also aware of http://www.r-exams.org/ but have not used it yet