Random notes related to generating lightweight quiz questions using Rmarkdown
These are some random thoughts related to the generation of assessments / quizzes using r-markdown. In particular I am looking for solutions which can be hosted as a static site (i.e. solutions that don't require shiny etc).
Prompted to open this after seeing https://twitter.com/MattCrump_/status/1022457536740577287. Which has since progressed to a working example
rmarkdown can be used to produce slidy presentations which can be used to generate quizzes as shown in this example
Adding the capability to include questions for a xaringan presentation might also be a possibility. These are built on top of https://remarkjs.com and it seems adding custom interactivity to the slides is not too difficult
I'm also aware of http://www.r-exams.org/ but have not used it yet