First pass at knife-vagrant, a knife plugin that will create a Vagrant box, then run a set of Chef recipes in it.
- Virtualbox 4.1.X
- Vagrant (
- chef gem install (client only)
Copy to your .chef/plugins/knife directory.
knife-vagrant is available on
gem install knife-vagrant
knife vagrant test (options)
-b, --box BOX Name of vagrant box to be provisioned
-U, --box-url URL URL of pre-packaged vbox template. Can be a local path or an HTTP URL. Defaults to ./
-l, --chef-loglevel LEVEL Logging level for the chef-client process that runs inside the provisioned VM. Default is INFO
-s, --server-url URL Chef Server URL
-k, --key KEY API Client Key
--[no-]color Use colored output, defaults to enabled
-c, --config CONFIG The configuration file to use
--defaults Accept default values for all questions
-x, --destroy Destroy vagrant box and delete chef node/client when finished
-d, --disable-editing Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
-e, --editor EDITOR Set the editor to use for interactive commands
-E, --environment ENVIRONMENT Set the Chef environment
-F, --format FORMAT Which format to use for output
-H, --hostname HOSTNAME Hostname to be set as hostname on vagrant box when provisioned
-m, --memsize MEMORY Amount of RAM to allocate to provisioned VM, in MB. Defaults to 1024
-u, --user USER API Client Username
-p, --port-forward PORTS Port forwarding. Host port, VM port separated by a colon. E.G. to forward 80 on the
host machine to 8080 on the VM, -p 80:8080.
To list multiple forwards separate with a comma, e.g. "-p 80:8080,22:2222"
--print-after Show the data after a destructive operation
-D, --vagrant-dir PATH Path to vagrant project directory. Defaults to cwd (/Users/mgarrett/vagrant) if not specified
-r, --vagrant-run-list RUN_LIST Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply
-V, --verbose More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity
-v, --version Show chef version
-y, --yes Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
-h, --help Show this message
knife vagrant test -H vagrant01 -r role[vagrant] -m 2048 -p 22:2222,8080:8080 -b box64 -U -xy
This is my first stab at it, so I can't make any promises as to how well it works just yet.