
Example showing how to automatically generate netstandard API clients for an aspnetcore web api using NSwag and Swagger

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

See these blog posts for more details on these examples. If you have any issues create an issue in this repository or leave a comment on my blog.


  • 25/10/2020: upgraded to ASP.net core 3.1, moved client generation to Api project, and added output logging to MSBuild.
  • 12/11/2019: add automatically generated Typescript client.
  • 02/11/2019: updated aspnetcore 3.0 and NSwag 13 (tag: aspnetcore-3.0)
  • 13/02/2019: updated aspnetcore 2.2 and NSwag 12 (tag: aspnetcore-2.2)