
Recursive query model to any dataset, using clues

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Breaking changes - API completely redesigned from v 0.1.x

Recursive query model to any Array, using clues. To transform a regular array into a 'queryable' array simple set the prototype to clues-query:

var Query = require('clues-query');

var test = [1,2,3,4,5,6];


The following functions are recursively available:


Returns another cloned object of the array where the data has been filtered by the provided expression. The expression can either by an operation (i.e. .where.openOrder=true) or a named filter (which has to be defined in the filters property (default behaviour is to fetch from $global.input.filters) and will be evaluated as if it were used directly)

(For legacy purposes .pick is an alias for .where)


  • someField=test will solve someField on each item, and the item will pass if the value is "test"
  • (some.deeper.field)=test will solve some.deeper.field for each item, and check if it is "test"
  • someField="multiple words=cool", will use items which are exactly "multiple words=cool"
  • someField="multiple \"words\"=cool", will use items which are exactly 'multiple "words"=cool'
  • someField<5
  • someField<=5
  • someField>5
  • someField>=5
  • someField!=test
  • someField=$exists will use if item has not null and not undefined for someField
  • someField=${stats.someField.max} will solve stats.someField.max in the context of the LIST (not the item) and will use that value in the comparison Important Note: someField=test assumes the lefthand side is to be solved for, but the right hand side is a literal value. Either side can use literal values by wrapping them in quotes, and either side can use a solved value by wrapping it in parenthesis. So this is equivalent, but more awkward: "test"=(someField).

Logical Operations

  • and(someField=test,someOtherField=test2)
  • and(someField=test|someOtherField=test2|someThirdField=test3)
  • or(someField=test|someOtherField=test2|someThirdField=test3)
  • not(someField=test)
  • not(or(someField=test|and(someField=test2,someOtherField=test))) can be nested arbitrarily
  • not(or(someField=test|and(someField=test2,someOtherField=${global_input.someInput}))) can use ${} deeply
  • coalesce(a,b,c,d,..) will return the first truthy argument/path result

If Operations

  • if(someField,5,10) If someField is truthy, then 5 otherwise 10.

Mathematical Operations

  • add(someField,someOtherField)<10
  • sub(someField,someOtherField)<10
  • mul(someField,someOtherField)<10
  • div(someField,someOtherField)<10
  • add(someField,5)<10
  • sub(someField,5)<10
  • mul(someField,5)<10
  • div(someField,5)<10
  • add(someField|someOtherField|someThirdField)<10
  • sub(someField|someOtherField|someThirdField)<10
  • mul(someField|someOtherField|someThirdField)<10
  • div(someField|someOtherField)<10
  • add(someField|5)<10
  • sub(someField|5|someThirdField)<10
  • mul(someField|5)<10
  • div(someField|5|someThirdField)<10

Array Operations

  • arr("some string", "some value", (some.path.to.a.thing.on.a.item)) Turns these items into an array of 3 elements
  • in("some string", (some.array.on.items)) searches the array that is in the second parameter for the value in the first parameter
  • in(somestring, (some.array.on.items)) searches the array that is in the second parameter for the value in the first parameter
  • in((some.path.on.item), (some.array.on.items)) solves the first parameter on each items and checks to see if its in the second parameter
  • in((some.path.on.item), arr("some string", "some value", (some.path.to.a.thing.on.a.item)))

String Operations

  • in("some string", "some string that is longer") searches the second string for the first string. Either parameter can be a path
  • fuzzy(somestring, (some.array.on.items)) finds the fuzzball distance between two strings

Date Operations

  • someField=date(someOtherField) Coerces someOtherField into a date using moment
  • addyears(someField,1)<date("2020-01-01")
  • adddays(someField,someotherField)<date("2020-01-01")
  • addmonths(someField,1)<date("2020-01-01")

cq() Operation

Imagine the following array that has been clues-query-ified:

    a: 5,
    b: [
      { count: 5, key: 'z' },
      { count: 7, key: 'y' }
    a: 9,
    b: [
      { count: 5, key: 'z' },
      { count: 7, key: 'x' },
      { count: 2, key: 'y' }

If you wanted to find the items in this array where b's greatest "count" has a key of "y", you'd want to do something like: .where.(b.descending.count.0.key)=y

Unfortunately, it's possible that the sub-array in b is not a clues-query array! So you can use the cq() method to turn that into a clues-query array and do further operations on it: .where.(cq(b).descending.count.0.key)=y


Returns an array of values specified by the fieldname. If more than one fieldname is specified (separated by |) then the array will contain objects with the selected fields. Fields can be selected in dot notation by using the charcter (U+1409) as a separator. Each selection key can be renamed by appending =[name] to the fieldname.

Here is an example of how api paths can be flattened into a custom object:


Nested objects can now be selected using parenthesis:


Nested clues-query objects can also be references


All mathematical and logical operations in where are available in `select:



Same as .select except the returned array will be filtered to distinct values. Can be comma or pipe separated to get distinct across two fields

Use distinct.$root to get distinct root values in the array.


Expands all functions or promises in each of the objects of the array, allowing the client to decide whether to evaluate all lazy-loaded properties within the array.


Returns an array of child clones grouped by a particular property. The children answer in unison to any additional chained methods.


Returns a clone with the data array reversed


Returns a cloned array sorted ascending by the selected fieldname. Can also be used as .ascending.(longer.field.name)

Use ascending.$root to sort by the root object in the array.


Returns a cloned array sorted descending by the selected fieldname. Can also be used as .descending.(longer.field.name)

Use descending.$root to sort by the root object in the array.


Returns an object of statistics.

  • .stats.sum Sum
  • .stats.cumul Cumulative sum
  • .stats.count Count
  • .stats.avg Average value
  • .stats.min Minimum value
  • .stats.max Maximum value

Stats assumes that the underlying array is an array of numeric values, not objects. The numerical array can either be selected in beforehand by using .select to pick the field we want to run stats on. Alternatively, the fieldname can be placed as a following argument, i.e. stats.[fieldname].sum. Can also be used as stats.(longer.field.name)


Returns a object that provides d3-like scale functions for a given variable for x and y. The object extrapolates by default and provides the following methods:

  • value.[x] - interpolates/extrapolates a single value x
  • value.[x1|x2|x3...] - interpolates/extrapolates a multiple values of x
  • change.[x1|x2] - returns the difference between interpolated values for x1 and x2
  • ratio.[x1|x2] - returns the ratio between interpolated values for x1 and x2
  • index.[baseX|baseY] - returns a scale that is rebased to the baseX and baseY (i.e. asking for baseX will give you baseY)
  • clamp - returns scale object that does not extrapolate (i.e. values will be flat from both ends of the range)
  • bound - returns scale object that will throw an error for any variables outside of the domain

.join and .connect

Returns a string concatenation of all values, either separated by ampersand (.join) or with no separator (.connect). As this is a string concatination you probably need to select the string properties first, example: distinct.Country.join

.split(path), .split(path,separator), .split((path.to.something),separator)

If the path returns a string, splits the string into an array using the optional separator. Comma is the default separator. If the path contains multiple pieces or pipes, it must be enclosed in parentheses. If the separator is not quoted, it will be evaluated, with the result becoming the separator.


Will make sure the results of cq is a clues-query array. Will operate only on the first element of the array and solve into that item and wrap the result in an array if it isn't already an array


Equivalent to .select.[xxxx].0. Any arrays returned will be clues-query arrays.


Solves all keys (via expand) and flattens all values into a single 1-dimensional array