Useful resources for style guides
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
- AngularJS - John Papa
- C++ - Google
- C# - Microsoft
- CoffeeScript - Polar
- Haskel - Johan Tibell
- HTML/CSS - Google
- HTML/CSS - Mark Otto
- Java - Google
- JavaScript - Airbnb
- JavaScript - Google
- JSON - Google
- Objective-C - Google
- Objective-C - Ray Wenderlich
- Python - PEP 0008
- Python - Google
- Ruby - Bozhidar Batsov
- Ruby on Rails - Bozhidar Batsov
- Swift - GitHub
- Swift - Ray Wenderlich
- Death to the Space Infidels! - Coding Horror
- Why Coding Style Matters - Smashing Magazine
- Programming style - Wikipedia
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To the extent possible under law, Panayiotis Lipiridis has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.