
The fullstack application boilerplate for Adonisjs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Adonis AdminLTE

This repo is an implementation of a starter pack for Adonis v.4.x with some tweaks. It is just an example of how you can implement front-end stuff and authentication.

What's inside?

  • Sqlite as a DB layer
  • Auth controller (login, logout)
  • Auth emails (welcome email, reset password email)
  • Auth validators
  • Webpack v4.x default config
  • LESS + ES6+
  • Folder structure for views


  • webpack configured to compile three stylesheets and scripts for application, manage and auth section of the app
  • a special webpack_asset global added to View, to require those js/css files in views
  • a special host global added to View, to correctly insert links in emails, it take value from .env file as a APP_URL variable
  • a set of methods in Auth controller, including login, reset, logout
  • welcome and forgot emails for account confirmation and password reset
  • APP_FROM_TITLE and APP_FROM_EMAIL in .env file describe and form a message.from() string, that is used to send default transactional emails


Manually clone the repo and then run npm install.

npm install

Make a copy of .env.example rename it to .env


Run the following command to run startup migrations.

adonis migration:run

and run

adonis seed

Run adonis key:generate to generate the secret key

adonis key:generate

How to run

Two terminal windows

  • npm run buildDev build font-end
  • npm run start for development