
Hello, world! for real-time transactions in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

market-rs, a demo real-time service

market-rs is a personal pet project to learn a new programming language.

In theory, building a toy market system can be a wonderful way to learn a new technical stack and demonstrate proficiency. Join me on my journey to learn Rust.

Why a market?

A market demonstrates the interaction between several systems that are critical to becoming proficient in learning an end-to-end toolchain including programming language, interface design, networking, and information retrieval.

The abstract concepts include:

  1. Transactional value store (wallet, bank, transfers)
  2. Securitization of abstract assets (listings)
  3. Real-time auction of securities (bid, asks, matching)

The backing technologies include:

  1. Programming language(s)
  2. Databases
  3. Networking
  4. User interface
  5. System integration design

With principles such as:

  1. Simple
  2. Performant
  3. Maintainable