
Small library for using Treehouse JS in React applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Treehouse-React is a very small library for making it easy to use Treehouse JS with React.


Treehouse-React provides the wrap function, which wraps a React component, connecting it to the Treehouse state tree. You should understand the README at Treehouse JS, particularly regarding TreeView objects, before reading this.

wrap has the signature

wrap(<React.Component>, <Treehouse.TreeView>)

Very simply, it makes items specified in the treeView available in the component's props object.

An example is

import React from 'react'
import treehouse from 'treehouse'
import { wrap } from 'treehouse-react'

const CarList = wrap(
  ({cars}) => (   // React Component
      {cars.map(car => <Car car={car} key={car.id} />)}
  treehouse.pick((t) => {
    return {
      cars: t.query('latestCars')

To-do app

Below is a working to-do app using React, written in JSX, that should give an idea of how it works.

Note that it also uses the Treehouse-React package, which provides the wrap method, which connects components to the treehouse state tree.

import React from 'react'
import treehouse from 'treehouse'
import { wrap } from 'treehouse-react'

// Initialize state tree
  items: {
    id1: {title: 'Run home', id: 'id1', created: Date.now()},
    id2: {title: 'Wash up', id: 'id2', created: Date.now()},
    id3: {title: 'Solve Quantum Gravity', id: 'id3', created: Date.now()}

const App = () => (
  <div className="app">

class AddForm extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = {newTitle: ''}

  onChange (e) {
    this.setState({newTitle: e.target.value})

  onSubmit (e) {
    treehouse.action('addTodo')({title: this.state.newTitle})
    this.setState({newTitle: ''}) // to reset the text field

  render () {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit.bind(this)}>
        <input autoComplete="off" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} name="title" value={this.state.newTitle} />

const List = wrap(

  ({items}) => (
    <ul className="list">
      {items.map((item) => {
        return <Item item={item} key={item.id}/>

  treehouse.pick(t => {
    return {
      items: t.query('itemsByRecent')


const Item = ({item}) => (
    <a onClick={treehouse.action('removeTodo', {id: item.id})}> X</a>

// Reducers

// Actions

  addTodo (tree, {title}) {
    // Using Math.random is not ideal but this illustrates the concept
    let newTodo = {id: Math.random(), title: title, created: Date.now()}
    tree.at('items').$('insert', newTodo.id, newTodo)

  removeTodo (tree, {id}) {
    tree.at('items').$('remove', id)


// Queries

  itemsByRecent: {
    deps: (t) => {
      return {
        items: t.at('items')
    get: ({items}) => {
      return Object.values(items).sort((a, b) => {
        return a.created < b.created


export default App  // And render it into the DOM somewhere