
Bootstrap aware EPiServer content area renderer

Primary LanguageC#


Bootstrap aware EPiServer content area renderer. Provides easy way to register display options used to customize look and feel of the blocks inside a EPiServer content area.

Available Display Options

Following display options are registered by default:

  • Full width (displaymode-full)
  • Half width (displaymode-half)
  • One-third width (displaymode-one-third)
  • Two-thirds width (displaymode-two-thirds)
  • One-quarter width (displaymode-one-quarter)
  • Three-quarter width (displaymode-three-quarters)

Registered display options are stored in Dynamic Data Store under EPiBootstrapArea.DisplayModeFallback type. Currently there is no built-in support for editing DisplayOptions on fly from EPiServer UI. For this reason you can choose for instance Geta.DDSAdmin plugin.

Display Option Fallbacks

For every display option there are 4 fallback width for various screen sizes based on Bootstrap grid system. According to Bootstrap v3 specification following screen sizes are defined:

  • Large screen (>= 1200px)
  • Medium devices (>= 992px && < 1200px)
  • Small devices (>= 768px && < 992px)
  • Extra small devices (< 768px)

Display Modes Width Fallbacks

These numbers are added at the end of Bootstrap grid system class (for instance 12 for Large screen -> 'col-lg-12')

Display Mode Name Extra small devices Small devices Medium devices Large screen
Full width 12 12 12 12
Half width 12 12 6 6
One third 12 12 6 4
Two thirds 12 12 6 8
One quarter 12 12 6 3
Three quarters 12 12 6 9

Eventually if you choose Half-width display option for a block of type EditorialBlockWithHeader following markup will be generated:

<div class="block editorialblockwithheader col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 displaymode-half">

Breakdown of added classes:

  • block : generic class added to identify a block
  • {block-name} : name of the block type is added (in this case EditorialBlockWithHeader)
  • col-xs-12 : block will occupy whole width of the screen on extra small devices
  • col-sm-12 : block will occupy whole width of the screen on small devices
  • col-md-6 : block will occupy one half of the screen on medium devices
  • col-lg-6 : block will occupy one half of the screen on desktop
  • displaymode-half : chosen display option name is added


Let's take a look at One quarter width block. This is a block layout in EPiServer content area on-page edit mode (desktop view - large screen col-lg-3):

This is a block layout in EPiServer content area on medium devices - col-md-6:

This is a block layout in EPiServer content area on small and extra small devices - col-sm-12 and col-xs-12:

Additional Styles

Similar to EPiServer AlloyTech sample site it's possible to define custom styles for block. You have to implement EPiBootstrapArea.ICustomCssInContentArea interface.

[ContentType(GUID = "EED33EA7-D118-4D3D-BD7F-88C012DFA1F8", GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content)]
public class Divider : BaseBlockData, EPiBootstrapArea.ICustomCssInContentArea
    public string ContentAreaCssClass
            return "block-with-round-borders";

Localized Display Option Names

You will need to add few localization resource entries in order to get localized DisplayOptions. Following entry has to be added to get localized names for default display options:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <language name="English" id="en">
      <displaymode-full>Full (1/1)</displaymode-full>
      <displaymode-half>Half (1/2)</displaymode-half>
      <displaymode-one-third>One third (1/3)</displaymode-one-third>
      <displaymode-two-thirds>Two thirds (2/3)</displaymode-two-thirds>
      <displaymode-one-quarter>One quarter (1/4)</displaymode-one-quarter>
      <displaymode-three-quarters>Three quarters (3/4)</displaymode-three-quarters>