
A Node.js sample app that demonstrate how to post a mail from IBM Verse to Watson Workspace.

Primary LanguageHTML


A Node.js sample app that demonstrate how to post a mail from IBM Verse to Watson Workspace.

Running the Sample

To try the sample do the following:

Registering the Application

In your Web browser, go to [Watson Work Services - Apps] (https://workspace.ibm.com/developer/apps), add a new app and add the url of the server you will be running this application from https://www.example.com/callback. Make sure the /callback is included in this url. Next write down its app id and app secret.

Building the Sample

Install Node.js 6+. Install the dependancies and run the sample using these commands:

npm install
npm start

Configuring the Sample

See '/config/applications.json' for the application definition to be registered with Verse