Employee Management Service

This is a TypeScript-based Node.js service for managing employee records. It provides a RESTful API for basic CRUD operations on employee data.


  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete employee records
  • RESTful API
  • TypeScript for type safety
  • Jest for unit and integration testing
  • Docker support for easy deployment


  • Node.js (v14 or later)
  • npm (v6 or later)
  • Docker (optional, for containerization)


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your-username/employee-management-service.git cd employee-management-service

  2. Install dependencies: npm install

Running the Application

Development Mode

To run the application in development mode with hot-reloading: npm run dev

The server will start on http://localhost:3000.

Production Mode

To run the application in production mode:

  1. Build the TypeScript code: npm run build

  2. Start the server: npm start

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/employees: Get all employees
  • GET /api/employees/:id: Get an employee by ID
  • POST /api/employees: Create a new employee
  • PUT /api/employees/:id: Update an employee
  • DELETE /api/employees/:id: Delete an employee


To run the test suite: npm test

For watching mode (reruns all tests on file changes): npm run test:watchAll

To generate a coverage report: npm run test:coverage


To build and run the application using Docker:

  1. Build the Docker image: docker build -t employee-management-service .

  2. Run the container: docker run -p 3000:3000 employee-management-service

he service will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Environment Variables

  • PORT: The port number on which the server will run (default: 3000)
  • NODE_ENV: The environment in which the application is running (e.g., 'development', 'production')