##Google Maps Helper
@author Mark Gandolfo
This will display a map and put a marker given the maps latitude and longitude
Make sure you sign up for a google maps api key and call the maps javascript api
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAU8aFSdD-sKJMCbYhzRjLARdfaCDIqg_BUH3PNCPE_eVgxC-shQe--IDBJ3eTFiV-w5uEN6YtC6fIQ" type="text/javascript"></script>
Also make sure that you have included the helper in your controller.
You can use it as follows:
To call a map at the given location and place a marker then do this!
$googleMap->map('-27,0000', '152,3043', 10);
$content = 'The Address, or something similar, this will appear in the clickable marker box (can include html)';
Or if you want a marker at another position, you can do this.
$googleMap->map('-27,0000', '152,3043', 10);
$content = 'The Address, or something similar, this will appear in the clickable marker box (can include html)';
$googleMap->addMarker($content, true, '-27,2032', '234,2343');
You will need a div with an id of map. This is where the map will be placed.