
BlogAdmin Module for SilverStripe CMS

Primary LanguagePHP

Silverstripe Blog Admin Module

Version: 0.1.0 alpha Author: Mark Guinn mark@adaircreative.com Contributors: Tyler Kidd tyler@adaircreative.com


Silverstripe 2.4.0+ Blog 0.3+


The basic admin module works out of the box. The module includes some additional extensions to complement the blog and make it work more like other blogging platforms. To install all the extensions add the following to _config.php:

[code] // some optional changes to core blog functionality BlogExtensions::$enable_blog_categories = true; BlogExtensions::$enable_members_as_authors = true; Object::add_extension('BlogEntry', 'BlogExtensions');

// required for author profile pages Object::add_extension('Member', 'BlogMemberExtensions');

// required for frontend stuff such as listing all posts in a category Object::add_extension('BlogTree_Controller', 'BlogTreeExtensions'); [/code]

Optional Core Changes

Remove BlogEntry's From Normal CMS Visibility The following will cause BlogEntry pages not to show up in the tree under the Pages tab. In cms/code/CMSMain.php, find the SiteTreeAsUL function, around line 160, change the last line to:

[code] return $this->getSiteTreeFor("SiteTree", null, null, null, create_function('$n', 'return $n->ClassName != "BlogEntry";')); [/code]

Extensions To Blog Module

The following extensions are optionally integrated into the core blog module functionality.

  • Many-to-many Categories - Out of the box you can use BlogTree and BlogHolder to create a category structure, but this allows you for a totally separate structure where a post can be in many categories. This structure works side by side with the BlogTree/BlogHolder stuff.

  • Members as Authors - By default a blog post simply has a string field for the author's name. This changes that so that each post has assigned a Member as it's author. Admin users can set the author to any valid user. For everyone else the author is their own account.

  • Author Profile Pages - Extensions to the member object that allow you to store additional information about authors, as well as making them available at something like: /blog/profiles/author-name.

  • Frontend Extensions - Integrates the above extensions with the frontend blog stuff.