
Mods to the luceneutil code to test timeout logic

Primary LanguageJava

Patches for benchmarking search timeout logic


This modified version of the benchmarking framework (see https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/luceneutil/) expects to find an "ActivityTimeMonitor" class in both of the Lucene versions it compares.

Lucene patches

The "base no-op" version of ActivityTimeMonitor should be added to the relevant directory containing the base version of Lucene used in benchmarking. It adds no extra logic and only serves to satisfy a new compile-time dependency in the benchmarking framework.

The classes in the "real impl" directory provide the real over-run detection logic and should be added to the directory containing a copy of the base Lucene code which is then used for benchmark comparisons

Benchmark framework patches

The "perfPatches" directory includes a slightly modified version of these benchmark classes:

  1. SearchTask - the "go" method adds calls to start and stop a time monitor

  2. OpenDirectory - a new "timedWrapper" method wraps the choice of Lucene Directory only if "TimeLimitedDirectory" is a class available in the Lucene version.

Running tests

The usual benchmarking tests can be run using:

python localrun.py

and output should show a small (max 10%) reduction in search performance for the new version with over-run detection logic.