Feature branch helper script for Maven

This Maven integrated script helps you with the tedious tasks of creating feature branches.

The manual execution of tasks like creating a git branch, setting the pom-versions, committing the changed pom.xml can be automated this way.




The script will ask you for the name of the feature branch.

It requires Git and Maven in the PATH.

Usage in Action

> mvn
[INFO] Executing tasks
     [echo] Please enter the issue number and a short description (example: '12345-Shortdesc'):
     [echo] This script will
     [echo]     a) create a branch called feature/JIRA-12345-Shortdesc
     [echo]     b) set the pom-version to 2.5.0-JIRA-12345-ShortDesc-SNAPSHOT
     [echo]     c) commit the changes
     [echo] .Create new branch
     [echo] .Update pom-version
     [echo] .Add and commit changes
     [exec] add 'pom.xml'
     [exec] add 'submodule/pom.xml'
     [exec] [feature/JIRA-88888-FixTheEncoding 616e435] REVERT ME
     [exec]  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
     [echo] .Done
     [echo] =========================================================================
     [echo] Next steps:
     [echo] a) Push your branch to remote via
     [echo]     git push origin feature/JIRA-88888-FixTheEncoding
     [echo] b) Trigger the build job
     [echo]     TODO
     [echo] =========================================================================


Only mvn? No arguments at commandline?

Yes, it is such simple. A pre-configured maven-antrun-plugin configuration is set the default goal.

How does it work?

See the sources. It is highly adaptable.