
A collection of C++ libraries and useful code bits, some of which developed by me, others taken or motivated by other authors (credits listed where applicable).

Primary LanguageC++ISC LicenseISC


A collection of C++ libraries and useful code bits, some of which developed by
me, others taken or motivated by other authors (credits listed where applicable).

Some of these libraries may be redundant unto pieces of other publicly available
libraries, including Microsoft Parallel Patterns Library, Intel's Thread
Building Blocks, Facebook's Folly, and future (2014) C++ standard libraries.
The intent of mex is to produce a largely independent codebase that raises
the level of abstraction for a wide range of common scenarios to meet the
following general goals:
1) Experimentation and proof of concepts for various design alternatives to
   existing practice.
2) Personal development with respect to effective API design, programming
   practices, and high level problems.
3) A codebase that is written (unless otherwise noted) entirely by me to allow
   its use under conditions where directly using publicly available code is
   frowned upon, such as those conditions presented in university courses.