
Example of using cssminifier.com to minify your .css files, and serve via AWS S3.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Any app (in this case, a Django app, but need not be Django, or even Python)
  • Want static files in the code base so we can track changes.
  • Want to only ever manipulate the .css (not minified).
  • Want to serve a minified .min.css file from s3 (not from app).
    <-- This cdn.example.com CNAME points to CloudFront, which in turn pulls from AWS S3 bucket called 'mybucket' -->
    <link href="https://cdn.example.com/static/css/customised_css.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

In local development, you can choose to read the local customised_css.css directly.

I use python to minify the .css and upload to S3.


  • Use Python requests to make a POST request to cssminifier.com's API endpoint.
  • Use Python (boto)to upload the resopnse as a .min.css file to AWS S3.

In this code repo

This is a fragment of a Django app.
It doesn't work as-is, but has a few files so you can see how I've chosen to arrange them. Key "minify and upload css" code is in deployment/ folder.


'home' / 'root' folder is my_django_app. my_django_app folder sits in a virtual env called virtualenvfolder, alongside the virtual env folders like bin/, etc/, include/, lib/, share/

my_django_app project folder has:

  • a bunch of app folders, such as mymainapp/
  • a specific deployment folder which contains file minify_css_and_upload.py
  • static files (.js and .css etc.) in static/ folder

On my computer, I have the following lines

# extracts from .bashrc
alias uprofile='. ~/.bashrc' # ('updated profile' = reload this file)
alias gotoapphome='uprofile; cd ~/path/to/virtualenvfolder/; . bin/activate; cd my_django_app'
# activating virtual env is irrelevant for this example; what's key is cd my_django_app
alias minifyanduploadcss='gotoapphome; python -c "from deployment.minify_css_and_upload import minify_and_upload_customised_css; minify_and_upload_customised_css();"'


Two-step process:

  • Edit customised_css.css to make whatever changes you like. You can easily have the html read the local version using staticfiles, instead of reading from s3, during development.
  • Once you're happy with your new .css file: In normal bash shell, run the one-word command minifyanduploadcss, and that will create customised_css.min.css and upload it to your s3 bucket. (I use CloudFront as CDN.)
# normal bash shell (anywhere on your computer)
~$ minifyanduploadcss
Will minify customised_css.css, create/overwrite customised_css.min.css
Got response, code 200
Received minified_css from https://cssminifier.com/raw
Updated static/css/customised_css.min.css
Minified to customised_css.min.css, will now upload.
Got bucket (mybucket), public key (AKIA0123456789) and secret (-ua5cu)
Success in uploading to s3
File is at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/static/css/customised_css.css
Success in uploading to s3
File is at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/static/css/customised_css.min.css
All done. Check last updated dates here:
  Sort by 'Last modified'

Note: You may need to clear your browser cache to see changes on CloudFront/S3 files.