
Table `refresh_tokens` no longer generated in test environment

Jayfrown opened this issue · 2 comments

After updating to v1.1.1 (and consolidating the firewall configurations) the refresh_tokens table is no longer automatically generated in my test environment. It works as expected in the dev environment.

I have some integration tests that hit the refresh endpoint and expect certain responses, which now complains as follows:

1) App\Tests\Integration\AuthenticationTest::testTokenEndpointsWorkAsExpected
Failed asserting that the Response is successful.
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

  "hydra:title":"An error occurred",
  "hydra:description":"An exception occurred while executing a query: Table 'app_test.refresh_tokens' doesn't exist"

I had the same; did you create the entity as in Step 3 of the readme?

Thanks @darthf1, I didn't realize this is now required.