Implements a Refresh Token system over Json Web Tokens in Symfony
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[Bug]: Symfony 7.1 - deprecation Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension
#386 opened by BooleanType - 20
Symfony 5.4: AbstractRefreshToken deprecated
#301 opened by disstudio - 29
Symfony 6 Unable to find the controller for path "/api/token/refresh". The route is wrongly configured.
#307 opened by Bohilc - 4
OpenApi platform docs Response missing
#372 opened by aarsla - 0
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Argument 1 passed to Gesdinet\JWTRefreshTokenBundle\Doctrine\RefreshTokenManager::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager, instance of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager given
#385 opened by vlad-doga - 1
Refresh Token with PDO ?
#384 opened by Zhaerius - 1
Change cookie name.
#383 opened by MortalKonga - 3
Setting cookie same_site with env variable not possible
#363 opened by Retch - 0
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Unable to find the controller for path \"/api/token/refresh\". The route is wrongly configured.
#376 opened by mlcpro - 0
Missing YAML logout documentation
#379 opened by Lilleri - 11
No identifier/primary key specified for Entity "App\Entity\RefreshToken"
#339 opened by edebertJurisoft - 2
Add data as payload to the refresh route
#373 opened by fhuszti - 0
Support for partitioned authentication cookies
#367 opened by EmilePerron - 1
Fatal error on latest version with Symfony 7
#369 opened by gordinskiy - 3
Best way to re-map RefreshToken?
#371 opened by KDederichs - 4
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Token TTL Unlimited
#340 opened by EvilSpartans - 2
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The generated migration drops the entire database
#354 opened by Anna-AP - 3
Multiple refresh tokens in the database
#336 opened by fpignatelli - 6
Can't configure refresh token with SF6
#330 opened by sanchobouillant - 2
Deprecation warnings with Symfony 5.4 and PHP 8.1
#351 opened by shakaran - 4
"Gesdinet\JWTRefreshTokenBundle\Entity\RefreshToken" is not a valid entity or mapped super class.
#333 opened by LambertHumans - 0
Deprecation on "Request/Extractor/RequestBodyExtractor.php::getRefreshToken": "$request->getContentType() method is deprecated"
#360 opened by TekPike - 6
Programmatically generate a refresh token
#322 opened by geoffroyp - 1
401 - Invalid Credentials
#346 opened by PaxBryan - 1
symfony 6.2: Unable to find the controller
#356 opened by dvdknaap - 2
Logout listener
#353 opened by HrjSnz - 1
Get refresh token with two parameters
#329 opened by Echoju - 5
[RFC] 2.0 Proposal
#343 opened by mbabker - 6
Compatibility bug with Symfony 6.1 & ApiPlatform 3.0
#342 opened by ppoz21 - 3
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File mapping drivers must have a valid directory path
#345 opened by eerison - 1
Installation in SF 6.1 with Apiplatform
#332 opened by MakFly - 2
"message":"Repository mapped for \"App\\Entity\\JwtRefreshToken\" should implement Gesdinet\\JWTRefreshTokenBundle\\Doctrine\\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface."
#341 opened by groupemyconnecting - 5
Package installation breaks User Entity in SF 6
#331 opened by papsko - 5
Support LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle 3.x
#337 opened by wouter-toppy - 14
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JWT Still valid after refresh
#327 opened by Echoju - 1
php8 doctrine annotation/attributes is a must
#323 opened by NgatiaFrankline - 5
TTL_update broken?
#320 opened by geoffroyp - 4
HttpCookie not sent to API
#321 opened by geoffroyp - 7
Issue in entity for refresh tokens
#315 opened by balvirsingh - 2
setting ttl according to some user data
#317 opened by hmsuchier - 2
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accept: application/json header dosent works
#306 opened by tydoo - 3
Unrecognized option "check_path" under "security.firewalls.api.refresh_jwt".
#310 opened by katelinskij-dmitrij