
symfony 6.2: Unable to find the controller

dvdknaap opened this issue · 1 comments

Tried the solutions in #307 but none of them are working.
I keep getting Unable to find the controller for path "/api/token/refresh/". The route is wrongly configured

it raises this error because in the ControllerResolver it cant find the _controller in the attribute request.

# security.yaml
      pattern: ^/api/token/refresh
      stateless: true
      provider: database_users
      refresh_jwt: ~
# config/routes/gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token.yaml (from flex)
    path: /api/token/refresh

# config/routes.yaml
  path: /api/token/refresh/ # the slash is needed at the end else it will not match the route
  methods: POST

@dvdknaap you can't add option path : 'Unrecognized option "path" under "gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token"'