
Tool for migrations on multiple tables

Primary LanguageRuby


Tool for making life easier with migrations on multiple tables. For example, you have a lot of sharded tables with names like mentions_client_XXX, where XXX is a client id. And you want to simultaneously change all of the tables and remember the changes. That's where mass_migrator kicks in.


  • Sequel
    • Sequel-based adapter for your db


Create a migrations, for example:

class AddUpdatedAt < MassMigrator::Migration
  def up
    add_column table_name, :updated_at, DateTime

  def down
    drop_column table_name, :updated_at

Notice that your up and down methods have access to all the standard sequel data modification methods, as well as currently migrated table_name.

Then you need to perform a migration.

Via command-line tool

mass_migrate up -c 'mysql2://localhost/test_db' -t "mentions_client_\\d+" -m 'directory/with/migrations' --verbose

Via ruby API

require 'mass_migrator'
db = Sequel.mysql2 "test_db"
MassMigrator.new(/mentions_client_\d+/, :db => db, :migrations => "path/to/migrations").run_pending_migrations

Where is info about run migrations kept?

Schema info table (configurable, default name is mm_schema_info) is created prior to running migrations.