*STATUS* Super alpha, super experimental, not to be used yet for real work, unless you want to hack in to the code and help me get it to production ready. :) *REQUIREMENTS* You need the following gems: * thin * redis And also a running redis installation, with at least version 2.1.3 (yes, you'll have to use the trunk version). *GOAL* Add this in your config/environment.rb in Rails, or just use the Middleware, in any Rack-compatible app. This will be implemented using Thin + EventMachine, so you're likely going to need those as well. config.middleware.use("Palmade::SocketIoRack::Middleware", { :resources => { '/firehose/socket.io' => "Tweetitow::FirehoseSocket", '/echo' => "Palmade::SocketIoRack::EchoResource" } })
Rack version for the Socket.IO server side (just like Socket.IO-node) -- an unofficial implementation.