
Work in progress on part III of Crafting Interpreters by Nystrom, compiler in simple scheme, bytecode interpreter in bootstrappable C variant

Primary LanguageSchemeMIT LicenseMIT

Work in progress work-through of part III (A Bytecode Virtual Machine) of the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.

As a derivative work of Nystrom's code, the license here matches that used by his code, see LICENSE.

Currently compiles these features to plain text opcodes (assembler):

  • integers
  • arithmetic operators
  • negation
  • parentheses
  • strings
  • nil
  • true, false
  • equality, inequality, comparison operators
  • print statement
  • variable declaration statements (global and local)
  • local variable re-assignments
  • curly bracket {} block scope statements and block scope for local vars
  • boolean negation, logical AND "and" and OR "or"
  • if, if-else and while statements

This gets me functionally to chapter 23 in the book, but without global re-assignment and for loops.

Additional major gaps:

  • Hash tables and string interning (chapter 20), skipped over for now
  • Functions (chapter 24)
  • Garbage collection (chapter 26)

A bytecode interpreter works through the opcodes produced by the compiler and prints the expression value or executes the statements. (both modes available)

Git tags will indicate the book chapter that I will consider myself to be functionally on par with.

I'm implementing the Lox to bytecode compiler in a minimal dialect of Scheme . Development testing is done with GNU Guile but I expect to demonstrate compatibility with minimal implementations. Attempting to document Scheme features in use in scheme_dialect.md .

The bytecode interpreter is implemented with the minimal, bootstrappable C variant and subset M2 .

Mainly I'm doing this as an exercise to motivate a greater understanding of Scheme, M2, and bootstrapping programming languages.

All together, this should create a Lox implementation that's bootstrappable . Potentially this will open up Lox as an option for bootstraping other languages. (see Ben Hoyt's blog post and code)

Furthermore, this should provide a really good test case for compatible Scheme implementations.

Upcoming plans:

  • global function definitions (no closures)
  • no classes, but a basic, built-in pair type with accessible first and second attributes
class pair {
  init(first, second){
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;
p = pair(1, pair(2, nil));
p.second.first; // 2
  • a basic method of input with chains of pair() at the code heading holding characters, lines, or tokens from an external tokenizer

Even without global re-assignment. for loops, classes or function closures, the current (chapter 23 progress) + the above should be enough to have a mini-language bootstrap-sub-lox (bslox), a simplified Lox sub-variant which will be powerful enough to implement further compilers and bootstrap tools. What makes this an appealing language is having memory safety and type mixing.

Dependencies for bytecode_interpreter

The expectation is that you'll build the bytecode_interpreter on GNU/Linux with mescc-tools and M2-Planet installed . For each of these, either

  • download the most recent release, build with 'make' and update PATH to include thier respective bin/ directories or
  • clone the M2-Planet and mescc-tools git submodules in bytecode_interpreter
$ cd bytecode_interpreter
git submodule update --init M2Planet
git submodule update --init mescc-tools

run make in each of them, and from this top level directory source devpath.sh into your bash shell.

$ cd ../; . devpath.sh

You'll also need the source files of a recent release of M2Libc which you should symlink into bytecode_interpreter/M2libc, unpack to that location, or use the git submodule

$ cd bytecode_interpreter; git submodule update --init M2libc

All sub-modules can be cloned at once with

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

These bootstrapping tools have support for several architechures. Currently, bytecode_interpreter/Makefile produces GNU/Linux binaries for 64bit ARM (aarch64), x86 and x86_64 (amd64). The exprprint.bash wraper shell script includes some detection logic that uses a best match and will otherwise use use qemu-aarch64 if you're on another architechure.

There is also a gcc build that should work on any system with gcc or compatible equivilent.

 $ cd bytecode_interpreter; make exprprint.gcc

It would be a mistake to rely on just gcc for development though, as the M2-Planet bootstrappable C variant lacks several C features.


The make target 'tests' runs several tests and compares compiler and interpreter output against expected output. Both your matching M2-Planet arch build and the gcc build are tested.

 $ make tests