
Pretty markdown in the terminal

Primary LanguageRuby

What's it Do:

Pretty prints markdown in the terminal tty_md example

Installing it:

In a Gemfile

gem 'tty_markdown', :git => 'git://github.com/dapplebeforedawn/tty_markdown.git'

The gem (not on rubygems.org yet) comes with a binary, so if you:

# Download the source:
git clone https://github.com/dapplebeforedawn/tty_markdown.git

# Build the gem:
cd tty_markdown 
gem build tty_markdown.gemspec

# Install it (the version may vary)
gem install tty_markdown-0.0.1.gem

Using the Binary:

You now have access to the tty_md command in your prompt. Give it a filename as the first argument (tty_md your_doc.markdown), or pipe markdown to it (echo "# I'm a header" | tty_md), and you'll see pretty colors. For my recursive joke loving peeps: tty_md tty_markdown/README.markdown to read this file pretty printed.

Using it Ruby Code:

markdown = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::ColorDown, fenced_code_blocks: true)
text     = markdown.render File.read("a_file.markdown")


This code is u.g.l.y, and also my first gem. Pull requests totally accepted.