Hello I used the playlister project as a reference to complete contractor Welcome to my edible socks store You are able to create a new flavored sock by clicking New Item on the top right You are able to read the newly created item in the home page You are able to edit/delete items by clicking on the edit/delete buttons in the item page Contractor folder app.py has all the routes required to run this page test.py makes sure that the code is working Templates folder base.html, home.html, and contractor_index.html files make up the home page flavors.html and contractor_show.html make up the sock's own page contractor_new.html and contractor_new.html is the code that allows users to make a new sock contractor_edit.html make up the edit and delete functions Partials folder navbar.html is code that makes the navbar contractor_form.html is the code that receives user input (title, price, image)