
Sample Code from book "OpenGL for the X Window System"

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Sample Code from my book "Programming OpenGL for the X Window System"

This repo contains the unmodified on-line source code for my book "Programming OpenGL for the X Window System" (Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201483599). Keep in mind this code is over two decades old. I expect the code still "works" but might take some massaging to be acceptable to modern compilers.

Unfortunately, the ftp sites listed in Appendix A are out of date. (It's just hard to keep an ftp location from 1996 active. :-)

If you are looking for the source code from Addison-Wesley (the same code you will find here), you can still get it from the Addison-Wesley web site at this URL (still worked in December 2017!):


Note that the files were originally formated as Unix text files rather than DOS files. For Linux or Unix users, this should not be much of a problem, but Windows users may want to use "unix2dos" or a similar utility to make the files easily readable by DOS or Windows text editors. Or rely on git to do the remapping.

Also note that the GLUT source code contained in glut.tar.Z within the downloadable ZIP file (and reproduced with updates here here) is extremely dated.

Instead please get GLUT from https://github.com/markkilgard/glut

  • Mark Kilgard December 14, 2017