
Linter for Tekton definitions.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A linter for Tekton resource definitions - v1 beta now available!!

Quick Start

Make sure you've NodeJS v18 or later installed, and run....

npx @ibm/tekton-lint@latest <glob-pattern-to-yaml-files>

To try a quick example, grab the example-task.yaml from this repo

> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/tekton-lint/main/example-task.yaml
> npx @ibm/tekton-lint@latest  example-task.yaml

   4:9   error    Invalid name for Task 'Task-without-params'. Names should be in lowercase, alphanumeric, kebab-case format  no-invalid-name
  10:14  warning  Invalid image: 'busybox'. Specify the image tag instead of using ':latest'                                  no-latest-image
   9:31  error    Undefined param 'contextDir' at .spec.steps[0].command[2] in 'Task-without-params'                          no-undefined-param
  11:19  error    Undefined param 'contextDir' at .spec.steps[0].workingDir in 'Task-without-params'                          no-undefined-param

✖ 4 problems (3 errors, 1 warning)

You can use the tool as a regular lint tool from the CLI or scripts; alternatively you can use it as a library via it's API or from an IDE such as VScode.

Usage - CLI

tekton-lint is parsing the passed files as yaml files, and checks the rules on the resulting document set. [More details on the pattern syntax.][pattern]

Using tekton-lint in watch mode will monitor for any changes in the provided paths and automatically run the linter again.

Be mindful if you specify a glob pattern (eg *.yaml) that this might be expanded by your shell rather than the tool itself. It'll probably be fine for the vast majority of cases.

tekton-lint [<options>]  <glob-pattern-to-yaml-files> ...

  --watch           Run tekton-lint in watch mode     [boolean] [default: false]
  --color          Forcefully enable/disable colored output
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --format         Format output. Available formatters: vscode | stylish | json
            [string] [choices: "vscode", "stylish", "json"] [default: "stylish"]
  --quiet          Report errors only                 [boolean] [default: false]
  --max-warnings   Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code
                                                          [number] [default: -1]
  --config         location of the .tektonlintrc.yaml, defaults to cwd
                                             [string] [default: "/home/matthew"]
  --refresh-cache  If true will delete the cache directory for external tasks
                                                    [boolean] [default: "false"]
  --version        Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --help           Show help                                           [boolean]

  tekton-lint "**/*.yaml"                   Globstar matching
  tekton-lint path/to/my/pipeline.yaml      Multiple glob patterns
  tekton-lint --watch "**/*.yaml"           Watch mode

What yaml files to include?

Only the yaml files that are specified are linted; these can be defined either on the command line, or via the .tektonlintrc.yaml file.

  - example*.yaml

If both command line and the configuration file have patterns specified, both are used but the command line options come first.

Depdending on how your Tekton instance is configured sometimes you might be using task descriptions that aren't part of your project or repository. In this case you'll get linter errors that "Task XYZ can't be found" - the latest v1 version of tool has added the concept of 'external tasks'.

For example if you are using some of the OpenToolchain Tasks, you can add the following to the configuration file

  - name: git-clone-repo
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: git
  - name: toolchain-extract-value
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: toolchain
  - name: doi-publish-build-record
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: devops-insights    
  - name: icr-publish
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: container-registry
  - name: iks-detch
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: kubernetes-service

This will clone the repos specified and extract the various directories to a local cache. When you lint your tools these external tasks and definitions will be included. This will prevent any errors about tasks missing; but also imnportantly ensure your use of the tasks is correct, eg no missed parameters.

Note that these cached files won't be linted themselves.

The cache is defined to be put to ~/.tektonlint If you wish to clear the cache, simply delete this directory - alternatively there is a cli option.


Detecting errors

These rules are straightforward, violations indicate that there's a good chance that you won't be able to run your Pipeline

  • Missing Task definitions
  • Missing Condition definitions
  • Missing Pipeline definitions
  • Missing TriggerTemplate definitions
  • Missing TriggerBinding definitions
  • Missing parameter declarations within Tasks
  • Missing parameter declarations within Pipelines
  • Missing parameter declarations within TriggerTemplates
  • Missing volume definitions in Tasks
  • Missing Task output results
  • Missing required Pipeline parameters in TriggerTemplates
  • Missing required Task parameters in Pipelines
  • Missing required workspaces of Tasks referenced in Pipelines
  • Missing required workspaces of Pipelines referenced in TriggerTemplates
  • Extra parameters passed to Pipelines
  • Extra parameters passed to Tasks
  • Invalid runAfter conditions
  • Invalid resourceVersion key
  • Duplicate resources (of all supported resource kinds)
  • Duplicate parameters name in Tasks
  • Duplicate environment variables in Steps
  • Duplicate PipelineRun's parameters name in TriggerTemplates
  • Duplicate parameters name in TriggerBindings
  • Duplicate parameters name in TriggerTemplates
  • Duplicate parameters name in Pipelines
  • Missing Task parameter value in Pipelines
  • Invalid Task, Pipeline, TriggerTemplate, Condition parameter names (alpha-numeric characters, - and _ and can only start with alpha characters and _)
  • Invalid Task, Pipeline, TriggerTemplate parameter value types (must be string, multiline string or array of strings)
  • Invalid Task parameter syntax (using v1beta1 syntax in v1alpha1 defintions, and vice versa)
  • Invalid (undefined) Workspace references in Tasks of Pipelines
  • Missing referenced Task in another Task's parameter in Pipelines
  • Cycle detection in each pipelines task dependency graph (based on runAfters, results and resource -> inputs)

Best practices

If you violate these rules, the Pipeline is probably going to be just fine, these rules are more like a collection of best practices that we collected while we were working with tekton.

  • Unused Task parameters
  • Unused Condition parameters
  • Unused Pipeline parameters
  • Unused TriggerTemplate parameters
  • Unpinned images in Task steps
  • kebab-case naming violations
  • Task & Pipeline definitions with tekton.dev/v1alpha1 apiVersion
  • Missing TriggerBinding parameter values
  • Usage of deprecated Condition instead of WhenExpression
  • Usage of deprecated resources (resources marked with tekton.dev/deprecated label)
  • Missing hashbang line from a Steps script

Configuring tekton-lint

You can configure tekton-lint with a configuration file (.tektonlintrc.yaml). You can decide which rules are enabled and at what error level. In addition you can specify external tekton tasks defined in a git repository; for example OpenToolChain provides a set of tasks that are helpful. But if you lint just your own tekton files there will be errors about not being able to find git-clone-repo for example. Not will any checks be made to see if your usage is correct.

Any task defined in the external-tasks section will be clone from git, into a local cache (defaults to ~/.tektonlint). Please make sure that you can git clone before running.

The configuration file should follow this format:

  rule-name: error | warning | off
  - name: <tasks name>
    uri: http://github.com/....
    path: <sub dir of repo>

Example .tektonlintrc.yaml file:

  no-duplicate-param: error
  no-unused-param: warning
  no-deprecated-resource: off
  - name: git-clone-repo
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: git
  - name: toolchain-extract-value
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: toolchain
  - name: doi-publish-build-record
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: devops-insights    
  - name: icr-publish
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: container-registry
  - name: iks-detch
    uri: https://github.com/open-toolchain/tekton-catalog
    path: kubernetes-service  

Search path for .tektonlintrc.yaml

  • location specified on the command line with the --config option
  • current working directory
  • default values used if nothing else found


Please raise an issue in the usual manner, please try and include a short sample Tekton file that shows the problem.

There is an internal logging system you can enable via setting and environment variable

TL_DEBUG=true tekton-lint <file.yaml>

This will write out a app.log file in pino json format - use pino-pretty to view