
Official SUSE Linux Enterprise documentation


SUSE Linux Enterprise Documentation

This is the source for the official SUSE Linux Enterprise documentation.

This repository hosts the documentation sources including translations (if available) for the following products:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension (SLE RT)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

Released versions of the documentation are published at https://www.suse.com/documentation/.


Table 1. Overview of important branches
Name Purpose


SLE 12 SP1 doc development


SLE 12 doc maintenance


Doc translations for SLE 12


If you would like to contribute, please fork this repository and send pull requests. Always use the develop branch for your edits!
Contributors with direct access to the repository are encouraged to use the git-flow-avh workflow (package git-flow-avh). However, this is not a must.

No commits to master
Please do not make any commits to the master branch. master is reserved for releases only. Always commit to develop.

Editing DocBook

To contribute to the documentation, you need to write DocBook.

  • You can learn about DocBook syntax at http://docbook.org/tdg5/en/html .

  • SUSE documents are generally built with DAPS (package daps) and the SUSE XSL Stylesheets (package suse-xsl-stylesheets). Ideally, you should get these from the repository Documentation:Tools. However, slightly older versions are also available from the SLE and openSUSE repositories.

  • Basic daps usage:

    • $ daps -d DC-<YOUR_BOOK> validate: Make sure what you have written is well-formed XML and valid DocBook 5

    • $ daps -d DC-<YOUR_BOOK> pdf: Build a PDF document

    • $ daps -d DC-<YOUR_BOOK> html: Build multi-page HTML document

    • Learn more at https://opensuse.github.io/daps