
Node.js cli tool for updating TransIP DNS entries, including DDNS. Docker image available.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-transip-dns-cli GitHub license npm Docker Pulls

Node.js cli tool for updating TransIP DNS entries using the TransIP REST API. Supports:

  • Installing globally as cli tool
  • Running as Docker container
  • Listing all DNS entries for one or more domains.
  • Updating the content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains.
  • Running a service which updates content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains to the public IPv4 and / or IPv6 address of the current machine (DDNS).

Table of Contents

Creating your private key

  1. Go to https://www.transip.nl/cp/account/api/
  2. Create a new Key Pair. Note: the 'Whitelisted IP' must not be checked if you want to use ddns-service.
  3. Save the private key in a file, e.g. private-key.pem.



  1. Install Node.js 18.x or higher (Windows | Linux | OSx).
  2. npm i -g transip-dns-cli

Docker Run

Note: the Docker image is a multiarch image. So it will also work on Raspberry Pi's.

sudo docker run \
 --name transip-dns-cli \
 --rm \
  marklagendijk/transip-dns-cli list-dns \
 --username="myusername" \
 --privateKey="$(<private-key.pem)" \

Docker Compose


version: "3"
    image: marklagendijk/transip-dns-cli
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./private-key.pem:/home/node/app/private-key.pem
    command: ddns-service --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --type="A"

CLI Documentation


  • domainName: The domain you have registered at TransIP.
  • DNS entry: Every domain has DNS configuration. This configuration consists of multiple DNS entries.
  • name: The name of a DNS entry. E.g. @, *, www or mail.
  • type: The type of DNS entry. Possbible types are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SRV, SSHFP and TLSA.
  • expire: The expiration time of a DNS entry in seconds. E.g 3600 (1 hour).
  • content: The content of a DNS entry. IPv4 address for type A entries, IPv6 address for type AAAA entries, etc.

Environment variables

All args can also be specified as environment variables, with the TRANSIP_ prefix:



Usage: transip-dns-cli <command>

   list-dns      List all DNS entries for one or more domains.
   update-dns    Updates the content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains.
   ddns-service  Keeps updating the content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains to the public ip address of the current machine..

  --help                Show help  [boolean]
  --version             Show version number  [boolean]
  --username, -u        Your TransIp username.  [string] [required]
  --privateKey, -k      Your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --privateKeyFile, -f  Path to the file containing your TransIp privateKey.  [string]

  list-dns --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl"                                           List all DNS entries for the domain example.nl.
  list-dns --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --domainName="example2.nl"                List all DNS entries for the domains example.nl and example2.nl.
  update-dns --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --type="A"                              Update the content of all DNS entries with type "A" of "example.nl" to the public IPv4 address of the current machine.
  update-dns --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --type="A" --type="AAAA"                Update the content of all DNS entries with type "A" or type "AAAA" of "example.nl" to the public IPv4 or IPv6 address of the current machine.
  update-dns --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --name="@" --content=""  Update the content of the "@" DNS entry of "example.nl" to "".
  ddns-service --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --type="A"                            Keep updating the content of all DNS entries with type "A" of "example.nl" to the public IPv4 address of the current machine.
  ddns-service --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --type="A" --type="AAAA"              Keep updating the content of all DNS entries with type "A" or type "AAAA" of "example.nl" to the public IPv4 or IPv6 address of the current machine.
  ddns-service --username="myusername" --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" --domainName="example.nl" --name="foo" --type="A"               Keep updating the content of all DNS entries with type "A" of "foo.example.nl" to the public IPv4 address of the current machine.


transip-dns-cli list-dns

List all DNS entries for one or more domains.

  --help                Show help  [boolean]
  --version             Show version number  [boolean]
  --username, -u        Your TransIp username.  [string] [required]
  --privateKey, -k      Your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --privateKeyFile, -f  Path to the file containing your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --domainName, -d      The domain name(s) of which the DNS entries should be listed.  [array] [required]


transip-dns-cli list-dns \
  --username="myusername" \
  --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" \


║ domainName   │ name │ expire │ type  │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ *    │ 3600   │ CNAME │ @               ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ 3600   │ A     │ ║


transip-dns-cli update-dns

Updates the content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains.

  --help                Show help  [boolean]
  --version             Show version number  [boolean]
  --username, -u        Your TransIp username.  [string] [required]
  --privateKey, -k      Your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --privateKeyFile, -f  Path to the file containing your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --domainName, -d      The domain name(s) of the DNS entries.  [array] [required]
  --name, -n            The name(s) of the DNS entries.  [array]
  --type, -t            The type(s) of the DNS entries.  [array]
  --content, -c         The content the DNS entries should be updated to. Uses public ip address of current machine by default.  [string]
  --dryRun              Run with outputting which changes would be done, but without doing them.  [boolean]

Example (dryRun):

transip-dns-cli update-dns \
  --username="myusername" \
  --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" \
  --domainName="example.nl" \
  --type="A" \
  --content="" \


All entries:
║ domainName   │ name │ expire │ type  │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ *    │ 3600   │ CNAME │ @               ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ 3600   │ A     │ ║

Selected entries:
║ domainName   │ name │ expire │ type  │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ 3600   │ A     │ ║

Would update the following entries:
║ domainName   │ name │ type │ expire │ oldContent      │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ A    │ 3600   │ │ ║


transip-dns-cli update-dns \
  --username="myusername" \
  --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" \
  --domainName="example.nl" \
  --type="A" \


Updated the following entries:
║ domainName   │ name │ type │ expire │ oldContent      │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ A    │ 3600   │ │ ║


transip-dns-cli ddns-service

Keeps updating the content of one or more DNS entries of one or more domains to the public ip address of the current machine..
DNS entries will only be updated when the current public IP address does not match the in memory stored public IP address.

  --help                Show help  [boolean]
  --version             Show version number  [boolean]
  --username, -u        Your TransIp username.  [string] [required]
  --privateKey, -k      Your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --privateKeyFile, -f  Path to the file containing your TransIp privateKey.  [string]
  --domainName, -d      The domain name(s) of the DNS entries.  [array] [required]
  --name, -n            The name(s) of the DNS entries.  [array]
  --type, -t            The type(s) of the DNS entries.  [array]
  --interval, -i        The interval at which the service runs.  [string] [default: "5m"]


transip-dns-cli ddns-service \
  --username="myusername" \
  --privateKeyFile="private-key.pem" \
  --domainName="example.nl" \


Updated the following entries:
║ domainName   │ name │ type │ expire │ oldContent      │ content         ║
║ example.nl   │ @    │ A    │ 3600   │ │ ║