
Pain-free UNIX one-stop-shop package installer purely written in Bash. BETA

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Have you ever found yourself confused and helpless trying to install Linux packages with endless dependencies over and over again? Or are you a distro enthusiast who constantly try out new Linux distribution but hate to reinstall packages from your main distro after finding out the new shiny distro "does things differently"?

Fear not! ez-install is here to help your lazy ass do the dirty work for you, so you can focus on the things that matters the most: Perpetuate indolence.

Ez-install is a make-like system package installer, purely written in bash, that tries to install dependencies first before the target package. Dependency failure may halt the target package installation.

With ez-install, you can install a wide range of Linux packages and its dependencies with just one command.

Additionally, ez-install allows you to bulk-install Linux packages, regardless if it requires git clone, apt-get install, npm install, brew install, sudo privileges, custom script execution, pre- and post-install execution (aka hooks), ad nauseam, by only using one simple central command with nice installation reporting.

With the package generation system, you have the flexibility to create your own simple and shareable package installer scripts using built-in support for common package managers with little to no Bash scripting knowledge. This way, you can direct the installation process to your whims and fantasies however you want.

But wait, there's more!

Ez-install now supports personal dotfiles management to backup-and-restore all your dotfiles across multiple systems. Using ez-install, you don't have to worry about where to store all your dotfiles or which dotfiles belong to which freakishly many distros you manage in your machine(s). Seriously, what more could you ask for?!


This small project is made for Linux virgins like me to somewhat make life easier and to alleviate the rectal pain of installing Linux packages from many distros that destroyed many devs who constantly shit themselves.

This is only a side project of mine and in no way trying to replace the better ones out there. It might come across to some haters as trying to "reinvent the wheel," but idgaf it's my project and I can do whatever I want! This project plugged my ass countless times from bleeding, and it might plug your ass as well only if you give it an earnest try.

That said, I hope you find this project helpful to your development needs and find time to help this repo grow by contributing. Thanks!

Table of Contents

Getting Started

First, clone the repo.

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1 https://github.com/marklcrns/ez-install ~/.ez-install

Then, create a soft symlink of the ez into $INSTALL_DIR, preferably one included in $PATH e.g., /usr/local/bin.

mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
ln -s ~/.ez-install/ez $INSTALL_DIR

# or simply run from root dir (will install in /usr/local/bin/)

Second, install required jq dependency.

Finally, export EZ_INSTALL_HOME in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or in any environment rc file of your shell initialized on startup.

# Use $HOME instead of `~`. Produce less path problems
export EZ_INSTALL_HOME="${HOME}/.ez-install"


ez install [options] package1 package2 package3 ...
ez gen [options] package

Main Demo Dependency Demo

See ez -h for more on usage.

In-line Options


  #force          Force package installation.
  #noforce        Do not force package installation.
  #root           Give package installation root privileges.
  #noroot         Give no package installation root privileges.
  #dep            Install package recursively.
  #nodep          Do not install package dependencies.
  #allowdepfail   Allow package dependency installation failure.
  #nodepfail      Do not allow package dependency installation failure.

  In-line options `#opt` supercedes the flag options but only for the specific

  e.g., `ez install -S package1#noroot package2 package3` will try to install
  all packages with root privileges except `package1`

  e.g., `ez install package1#root package2#nodep package3#root,nodep` will try
  to install `package1` as root, `package2` without its dependencies, and
  `package3` as root and without its dependencies.


Installing packages using the built-in install functions are subject for the convenient package reporting after the installation.

Report Description
SUCCESS Successful installation
SKIPPED (exit) Already installed or failed dependency with exit code
FAILED (exit) Failed installation with exit code

For full list of exit codes, run ez -h.


All custom packages, by default, are located in ~/.ez-install.d and local rc file in ~/.ez-installrc

ez install should install local custom packages over the global ones if existing. Same for the package hook .pre and .post installations.

Global Variable Description
$LOCAL_PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR Local package directory. default=$EZ_INSTALL_HOME/packages
$LOG_SYSLOG Enables system logging using built-in logger. default=true
$LOG_FILELOG Enables file logging logger. default=true
$EZ_DOWNLOADS_DIR Default output directory. default=$HOME/Downloads
$EZ_EDITOR Default editor for gen. default=$EDITOR

$LOG_FILELOG output can be found in /tmp/%path%to%<INSTALL_DIR>%install%ez.log for ez install or /tmp/%path%to%<INSTALL_DIR>%gen%gen.log for ez gen

Pre- and Post-Installation Hooks


  Pre Installation

    `install` will automatically try to source <package>.pre first then
    <package>.<package_manager>.pre from either $LOCAL_PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR and
    $PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR before package installation. $LOCAL_PACKAGE_DIR priority.
    Best place to download dependencies or executing pre installation commands.

  Post Installation

    `install` will automatically try to source <package>.post first then
    <package>.<package_manager>.post from either $LOCAL_PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR and
    $PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR after package installation. $LOCAL_PACKAGE_DIR priority.
    Best place for cleaning up files or executing post installation commands.

Package Generator

ez gen makes it easy to create your own custom package installer. Although package templates are purely written in Bash scripts, it only requires little to no knowledge of bash.

For more options, run ez gen -h.

See sample packages here.

Simple Package Generator Usage

ez gen -m apt git


Normally, if the package is in the repository of one of the supported package managers, such as the prevalent git is in the apt repository, this step is enough.

Then run ez git.apt to install the generated package

Advanced Package Generator Usage

ez gen -m apt -d git git-lfs


As of the time of writting, git-lfs installation, with apt at least, requires another step after the package installation, that is git lfs install.

Also, the -d flag and its optarg git attaches it as a dependency of git-lfs.

A viable solution is running a pre- or post-installation process. A built-in feature runs <package>.<package-manager>.pre before the main package installation and then runs <package>.<package-manager>.post after.

In our case, we need to add git lfs install in git.apt.post which we can generate with gen as well

ez gen -m apt -PM git-lfs

Here, the -P flag tells it to generate a post package installation template and the -M flag to skip the main package installation since its already existing. Run ez gen -h for more options.

Then open $LOCAL_PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR/<OS_DISTRIB_ID>/<OS_DISTRIB_RELEASE>/git-lfs.apt.post and add git lfs install inside the _main() function.

Finally, run ez git-lfs, and it will try to install git first, including its .pre and .post, then if successful, will install git-lfs likewise.

Sample Package Generator Usage For git, curl, and wget

ez gen -m git -a '--depth=1' -n fzf -o '~/.fzf' 'https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git'
ez gen -e -m curl -d zsh -n oh-my-zsh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh'
ez gen -e -m wget -d zsh -n oh-my-zsh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh'

See ez gen -h for more on options.

More Advanced Package Generator Usage

In this example, we create a custom package that install and distribute dotfiles with package dependencies.

ez gen -d 'yarn,neovim,git-lfs' my-dotfiles
# or with escaped spaces between
ez gen -d 'yarn,\ neovim,\ git-lfs' my-dotfiles


Then we edit the _main() function to run bash scripts. Built-in install functions are available for use.

function _main() {
  if git_clone -a "--depth=1" -o "~/scripts" -f true -- "https://github.com/marklcrns/scripts"; then
    if git_clone -a "--depth=1" -o "~/.dotfiles" -f true -- "https://github.com/marklcrns/.dotfiles"; then
      # Using my Dotfiles Manager Scripts https://github.com/marklcrns/scripts/tree/master/tools/dotfiles
      "${HOME}/scripts/tools/dotfiles/dotdist" -VD -r "${HOME}/.dotfiles/.dotfilesrc" . "${HOME}"
  if git_clone -a "--recurse-submodules --depth=1" -o "~/.config/nvim" -f true -- "https://github.com/marklcrns/nvim-config"; then
    cd ~/.config/nvim && make
    git_clone -a "--depth=1" -o "~/.cache/vim/session" -f true -- "https://github.com/marklcrns/vim-sessions-cache"

  return $?

Finally, to install my-dotfiles, simply run

ez install my-dotfiles

The installation need to successfully install yarn, neovim, and git-lfs first before proceeding to the _main() function above.

NOTE: To ignore the package dependencies, run with the -R flag or my-dotfiles#nodep in-line option

NOTE: .pre and .post can also be used. See ez gen -h for more on options

Interactive Package Generator

Interactive Demo

# Optional package argument
ez gen -i [package]

# Will enter interactive mode but fill package name with 'test' automatically
ez gen -i test

# Will enter interactive mode but fill package name with 'test' and package
# manager with 'apt' automatically
ez gen -i test.apt

Built-in Install Functions

install [options] <package> -- function wrapper for the more specific package manager functions.

install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" Package manager CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-m "<optarg>" Package manager to use. See supported package managers.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in $LOCAL_PACKAGE_DIR and $PACKAGE_DIR package search).
-o "<optarg>" Output filepath. default=$HOME/Downloads/outfile
-e <optarg> Shell execute package. For curl and wget only. e.g., bash -c "$(curl <url>)". default=false.
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
-u <optarg> Boolean if update package manager repository before installation. e.g., apt update or pkg update. default=false.
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

Package Manager Specific Functions

apt_install [options] <package> -- function for installing apt packages

apt_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" apt CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in $LOCAL_PACKAGE_DIR and $PACKAGE_DIR package search).
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
-u <optarg> Boolean if update package manager repository before installation. i.e., apt update. default=false.
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

apt_add_repo [options] <ppa-repository> -- function for adding apt repository in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d

apt_add_repo Args Description
-a "<optarg>" apt CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in $LOCAL_PACKAGE_DIR and $PACKAGE_DIR package search).
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
-u <optarg> Boolean if update package manager repository before installation. i.e., apt update. default=false.
<ppa-repository> Repository to add. First and only required argument.

pkg_install [options] <package> -- function for installing pkg packages

pkg_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" pkg CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
-u <optarg> Boolean if update package manager repository before installation. i.e., pkg update. default=false.
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

npm_install [options] <package> -- function for installing npm packages

npm_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" npm CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-l <optarg> Boolean if install npm package locally. default=false (global)
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

pip_install [options] <package> -- function for installing pip packages

pip_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" pip CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-v "<optarg>" Pip version.
-g <optarg> Boolean if install pip package globally. default=false (local)
-S <optarg> Boolean if run package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

curl_install [options] <url> -- function for installing curl packages

curl_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" curl CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-o "<optarg>" Output filepath. default=$HOME/Downloads/outfile
-e <optarg> Boolean if shell execute package. i.e., bash -c "$(curl <url>)". default=false
-f <optarg> Boolean if forced installation if output filepath already exist. default=false
-S <optarg> Boolean if execute package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
<url> Package url to install. First and only required argument.

wget_install [options] <url> -- function for installing wget packages

wget_install Args Description
-a "<optarg>" wget CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-o "<optarg>" Output filepath. default=$HOME/Downloads/outfile
-e <optarg> Boolean if shell execute package. i.e., bash -c "$(wget -O - <url>)". default=false
-f <optarg> Boolean if forced installation if output filepath already exist. default=false
-S <optarg> Boolean if execute package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
<url> Package url to install. First and only required argument.

git_clone [options] <url> -- function for installing git packages

git_clone Args Description
-a "<optarg>" git CLI arguments.
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
-o "<optarg>" Output filepath. default=$HOME/Downloads/outfile
-f <optarg> Boolean if forced installation if output filepath already exist. default=false
-S <optarg> Boolean if execute package as root (with sudo for supported distributions). default=false.
<url> Package url to install. First and only required argument.

local_install [options] <package> -- function for installing packages without package manager. Only used for package existence checking and reporting.

local_install Args Description
-c "<optarg>" Command/Executable name.
-n "<optarg>" Name of the package (used in package search).
<package> Package to install. First and only required argument.

Supported Package Managers

  • apt -- supports wsl and wsl2
  • apt-add -- supports wsl and wsl2
  • pkg
  • npm
  • pip, pip2, pip3
  • curl
  • wget
  • git

Tested Distributions

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL/WSL2)


Anyone can contribute to share their tested packages installers using gen --global and the Built-in Install Functions by issuing a PR.

See sample packages here.


  • Add testing framework
  • Integrate with Dotfiles Manager
  • More practical package installer template generator
    • Modularize script
    • Option to generate package dependency
    • Interactive package installer generator
    • Generate package installer from command history
  • Add Wiki page for all global package installers
  • Handle package dependencies
    • Dependency system
    • Print dependency tree before installation
    • Prevent package installation with missing dependencies
    • Full support for custom package install directory
  • [o] More flexible installation
    • Support individual installation via command-line
    • Support JSON install configuration
    • -f, --forced flag and in-line options for git, curl, and wget
  • Add more features
    • Cache all installed packages
    • Uninstall
    • Install specific versions
    • Package update
  • OS support
    • Debian/Ubuntu
      • 20.04
      • 18.04
    • Debian/Ubuntu (WSL/WSL2)
      • 20.04
      • 18.04
    • More OS support coming
  • Package managers support
    • apt
    • apt-add
    • pkg
    • npm
    • pip
    • git
    • curl
    • wget
    • local
    • brew
    • port
    • dnf
    • zypper
    • emerge
    • apk
    • pacman
    • cargo
    • nix-env
    • More support coming
  • Bourne Shell support