sheng news


An initial Sheng corpus compiled from the People's Daily (Kenya) newspaper articles and an n-gram model trained from the corpus. The goal of the project was to capture common use of written Sheng and construct a computational representation of the language. This model can be evaluated by testing for common n-grams, computing the perplexity of the model and auto-generating text samples from it.

Modules - handles the conversion of news article files (.pdf files) to text files. - cleans the converted news article files (.txt files), compiles the text in each of the files into two separate files: a training and a testing set, and standardizes both sets. builds the n-gram language model from the train set and tests it using the train set by:

  • computing the most frequent n-grams in the training set;
  • calculating the perplexities of sentences from the test set;
  • auto-generating text from the n-gram models.