-My intention was to concieve of a novel, and effective, policy-based data science framework to optimize a massively distributed alternative data landscape. By leveraging emerging critical new technological advances in operations and core processes, integrated natively, in an architecture which bridges the gap between classical AI responsiveness and theory of mind machine cognition capabilities, thus allowing for the formulation of an enhanced understanding of people and things, and, of feelings and behaviours, all of which are processed within a Engineered Virtual Enviroment (EvE) and represented by a Digital Voice Persona (DVP). The EvE-DVP ecosystem sorts human emotions, sentiments, and thoughts, based on self-learned metrics (SLM) and user interactions, very similar to KISMET's ability to mimic human emotions, the EvE-DVP discovers patterns, similarities, and relationships, as well as the autonomous recognition of indicators with potential emotional significance which are compiled into usefull dynamic profiles, which form the basis for comparisson analysis, optimized for Positive Content Generation (PCG) that satisfies core desires of human relational, personality, and expression, and measures levels of content and satisfaction, which generates insight into increasing the wellbeing of the user, and tailor-made content delivery to modulate opinion, emotion, and engagement. The EvE-DVP is a Conceptual Awareness Generator (CAG), technically speaking, a limited-memory, reactive and Deep Learning (DL) modelled hybrid machine which exploits the opportunities of Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) technology, combining General Intelligence (GI) that applies knowledge and special skills, in different contexts, with autonomous learning and problem solving capabilities that utilizes enhanced memory, faster data processing, analysis, and decision-making, that is augmented by a novel Deep Learning (DL) element of the Machine Learning (ML) subsystem within the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. The EvE-DVP is a full-scope control plane across the multi-domain ecosystem, using a technological capability and structural maturity methodology which enhances the detection of cognative elements that comprehends, learns, stores and represents knowledge, reason and communications interactions with humans. l