- 1
The scroll bar is not displayed and the header keeps overflowing horizontally.
#117 opened by VenkateshManohar27 - 1
Table row classes are not preserved.
#93 opened by raybrownco - 0
Fixed Header Scroll Problem
#115 opened by khusroohayat - 2
- 3
- 0
fixedBodyHeight in _setupFixedColumn
#166 opened by qhhuang - 0
Fix Manual Column
#164 opened by MuhammadMohsan - 0
Scrolling in froozen content
#163 opened by andrematecki - 0
Issues running on Safari 10.1?
#162 opened by vnguyen13 - 6
fixed column is not aligned
#119 opened by pntcwz - 3
tables inside tabs
#126 opened by xjpmauricio - 0
Colspan and Rowspan in th
#160 opened by yohanes-ai - 3
Found a better fixed table header lib
#105 opened by jesscold - 0
TypeError: d.find(...).bind is not a function
#158 opened by iarspider - 1
Feature Request: More than column to be set as fixed
#129 opened by kokizzu - 0
Footer with more than one line does not fix columns
#155 opened by fgsamuel - 0
- 0
Form inputs in fixed columns
#153 opened by jmoody47 - 0
MS Code issues
#152 opened by cope - 0
css tabs and fixed header table not working
#150 opened by sithiradezoysa - 0
Support multiple tr in thead
#149 opened by jigarius - 0
Change default 960px to new width
#148 opened by Chaithanya-Bangaru - 0
- 0
Fixed Column Headers flickers while scrolling/swiping horizontally in mobile devices(touch screen)
#134 opened by Suraj-Consigliere - 0
Bug when table is hidden on load
#146 opened by alvarotrigo - 0
Dragging an object in a 2e cell updates the width of the row but not on the fixed first cell
#144 opened by mchendriks - 1
Wrong width when padding was not included in width
#139 opened by natee - 1
- 0
- 4
[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.
#102 opened by timgluz - 1
Add grunt and bower
#91 opened by xfsnowind - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
[RESOLVED] - Fixed header table appears to have stopped working - no fixed header / scroll
#132 opened by astillman - 1
Cant get it to work essentially.
#128 opened by kieron - 2
Slow performance
#120 opened by guysenerman - 1
: Invalid table mark-up
#127 opened by MaestroJurko - 0
Modifications to work with JSF / Icefaces
#124 opened by bxconrad - 2
- 1
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
#116 opened by VenkateshManohar27 - 0
Multiple Tbodies in table gets dropped in clone
#111 opened by PlippiePlop - 0
Collapsed header column wrong width
#109 opened by mda-hub - 0
- 1
Pre-Existing actions attached to TH elements
#98 opened by jmchauv - 1
- 0
Table inside UI dialog header issues
#101 opened by TexasNeo - 0
create a thead from first row when no thead exists
#100 opened by joshbtn - 0
Table width
#96 opened by fredbutters - 0
Scroll doesn't appear on iphone
#95 opened by jayason